Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, September 11, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Middle School Computer Lab with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Olson and Schmit. Others present Superintendent Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen and Business Manager Bechen.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting August 14, 2017, as amended.
Quotation was left out at the end of Thank you in Mr. Siemsen’s report. Should read: Big “Thank you goes out to Mark and Rita, as well as Corey Flatten for assisting and painting.”
Visitors to Board Meeting:
• Koby Larson and Sarah Morgan, representing the senior class, presented the board with their proposed rules for the lounge – these two seniors will receive the prime designated spots for parking due to their showing up to present;
• Candi Danek, Jill Reimer, and Robin Moody – Teacher Reps (presented the teacher’s perspective regarding Homecoming and the logistics that go with any activities being planned, including the participation in the parade in Woonsocket),
• Community members Steve and Roxann Larson, Shawn and Jerilyn Moody, Jeremy and Ashly Uecker, Tambi Wormstadt, Andy and Melissa Ettswold, Jake Klaas, Quinton and Tana Slykhuis, Casey Miller, and Missy Hobaugh presented their thoughts regarding our school district electing to not participate in the parade this year. They discussed their desire to see the district make further attempts at integrating our students into the Homecoming Parade, as opposed to settling on the negatives of the last year’s experience as the sole reason for not trying again. Mr. Siemsen, Mrs. Vermeulen and the teacher reps discussed some of the issues that occurred while attending the parade last year, as well as presenting a survey that was distributed to the students regarding their preference of attending/participating in the parade or staying at SC and doing activities. The community members acknowledged the difficulties, but it was their hope that the district would take their thoughts, as well as the known difficulties, to try to make adjustments to improve the experience, should the board elect to participate again. With all the thoughts and information presented, the board asked the staff, with the help of the patrons as volunteers, to make the effort again this year and implement some of the thoughts to build and create floats from our students that will be a part of the parade. Other logistical components, including serving lunch, were also discussed and will be settled upon later;
• Travis Sichmeller (Mettler Sichmeller Engineering) presented his proposal to provide professional engineering services for the AC project. The board will act on this proposal at the October meeting; and
• Dave Bechen (Bechen Electric) and Bryan Seaborn (Rouzer Group) presented information regarding their proposal for the proposed lighting project.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.
General Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $267,393.64. Receipts: taxes $2,846.97, penalties/interest $40.66, interest $9.60, other pupil $87.75, other local income $13.08, state fines $1,010.24, state aid $41,303.00, admission $1,085.00, yearbook $114.00, Wetland tax $90.74, Medicaid admission $781.04, 2016-17 gross receipts tele $29,428.84. Expenditures: $143,315.82, manual journal entry $82.54. Balance, August 31, 2017: $200,806.20. CorTrust Savings balance, August 1, 2017: $149,996.49. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, August 31, 2017: $149,996.49.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $951,109.57. Receipts: taxes $1,434.15, penalties/interest $20.29, interest $38.39. Expenditures: $166,458.15. Balance, August 31, 2017: $786,144.25.
Special Education Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $147,565.04. Receipts: taxes $87.62, penalties/interest $1.39, interest $6.21, Medicaid adm $65.00. Expenditures: $16,381.83. Balance, August 31, 2017: $131,343.43. Invested $100,000. CorTrust Savings balance, August 1, 2017: $1,825.92. Receipts: interest $0.00. Balance, August 31, 2017: $1,825.92.
Pension Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $33,381.76. Receipts: taxes $0.00, penalties/interest $0.00, interest $1.69. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, August 31, 2017: $33,383.45.
Food Service Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $2,701.27. Receipts: interest $0.57, student meals $8,121.10, adult meals $119.00, ala carte $74.25. Expenditures: $5,767.21. Balance, August 31, 2017: $5,248.98.
Enterprise Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $1,502.07. Receipts: $2,800.00. Expenditures: $3,595.95. Balance, August 31, 2017: $706.12. Scholarship Fund balance, August 1, 2017: $12,682.25. Receipts: interest $0.54. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, August 31, 2017: $12,682.79. Peters Scholarship balance: $12,682.79; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Trust and Agency Funds balance, August 1, 2017: $57,421.89. Receipts: $425.87. Expenditures: $4,166.05. Balance, August 31, 2017: $53,681.71. Included account 605: $6,951.98.
Salaries and benefits for the month of September 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: 137,067.81;
Special Education: 17,507.71;
Food Service: 9,224.50;
Enterprise: 3,623.31.
Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $31.68; Argus Leader Media, balance owing $15.44; Associated School Boards of South Dakota, annual convention registration $740.00; Automatic Building Controls, annual checkout fire alarm $412.00; Avera Queen of Peace Health Service, inservice AED/CPR training $855.00; Burnison Plumbing, professional service $418.15; Carolina Biological Supply, high school science supply $40.68; Carquest, bus supply $244.47; Cengage Learning, colony workbooks $110.00; Central Electric, July electricity $1,961.82, August electricity $2,637.58, mini split repair $95.00; Dauby’s Sport Center, volleyball supply $105.00; DB Electric, install shot clocks $1,201.00; Department of Revenue, water testing $15.00;
Didax, Inc., elementary supply $37.45; Farmers Elevator, malathion $100.00; FC Organizational Products, superintendent supply $24.76; First National Insurance, workman comp audit correction $1,344.42; Forum Communications, bid notice $26.69; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus mirror $75.26; Heartland Paper Co., janitor supply $119.64, recoat gym floor $2,227.50; High Point Networks, fortinet $147.00; Hillyard, colony supply $498.64, janitor supply $234.62; Horizon Health Care, Inc., bus driver physical $267.82; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, elementary workbooks $248.58;
[IMPREST FUND: Baldwin Supply, boiler motor repair $238.02; Shawna Baysinger, volleyball line judge $100.00; Hanson School, volleyball tourney fee $120.00; Huron Plainsman, renewal $176.55; VISA, middle school reading books $68.87; Steve Whitney, bus inspections $450.00];
Josten’s, final yearbook payment $4,056.19; K&D Busing, 50 percent volleyball travel $607.93; McLeod’s, business office supply $26.95; Menards, janitor supply 462.95. bus barn supply $10.99, ag supply $32.92, elementary supply $9.33, middle school supply $9.33, high school supply $9.32; Mid-Dakota Technologies, August tech support $140.00; Parker School District, Mitchell Area Superintdent dues $60.00; Pearson Education, colony workbooks $24.55; Popplers Music, All State Chorus music $13.07;
Quill, elementary ink cartridges $154.97, colony ink cartridges $57.99, high school ink cartridges $311.94; Reader Den, elementary reading books $44.74; Renaissance Learning, middle school supply $162.10; Running’s Supply, 20-gallon sprayer $219.98; Sal’s Drive Inn, inservice meal $238.00; Sanborn Central Food Service, back to school meal $274.33; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $230.60; Scholastic Inc., elementary just write $106.12, middle school literature books $228.81;
School Specialty, elementary supply $952.59, high school supply $108.07, library supply $10.84, colony supply $834.74, middle school supply $19.53, ag supply $113.83; Training Supply, football supply 16.26, boys basketball supply $16.26, boys track supply $16.26, girls basketball supply $16.26, girls track supply $16.26, volleyball supply $16.25; VISA, air cards $120.03, supply to install playground equipment $75.27, guidance software $195.00, high school student quarter prizes $160.00, middle school student quarter prizes $120.00, middle school reading books $15.96, lawn mower part $93.44.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $836.00; ABDO, library books $1,178.05; Apple Inc., high school ag MacBook $1,449.00, 20 elementary iPads $5,880.00, middle school science macbook $1,249.00; Apptegy, adm software $3,490.00; BBBB’s of South Dakota, playground fencing $702.50; Dakota Playground, playground equipment $17,770.00;
[IMPREST: VISA, colony printer $59.87, northern tools price adjustment $28.94];
McGraw-Hill School Education, high school science textbooks $508.96; School Specialty, elementary furniture $2,492.87, colony calculators/library books $316.21, preschool furniture $241.83.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – First National Insurance, SPED 2016-17 workman comp audit $69.84, speech 2016-17 workman comp audit $17.46; Quill Corp, sped ink cartridges $32.99; School Specialty, SPED supply $95.16.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Shane Baysinger, melons $99.69; Card Services, food $115.74; County Fair, food $12.98; Darrington Water, SS tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $356.53; Earthgrains Baking, bread $172.80; First National Insurance, 2016-17 workman comp audit $314.28; Hillyards, supply $224.50; Menards, supply $5.94; Reinhart Foodservice, food $5,379.52, supply $83.99; Walmart, food $44.96, supply $2.94.
ENTERPRISE Fund – School Specialty, preschool supply $133.03.
Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:
• Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for September 27th from 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. Bonus points will be available for those students whose parents either attend or contact their teachers;
• Once again this year a number of students have taken advantage of dual credit courses;
• Juniors took the ASVAB test on September 7th;
• September 19th juniors and seniors will be attending career day in Mitchell with Mrs. Johnson and Woonsocket students;
• Seniors will be granted senior privileges;
• September 27th freshmen will be attending Freshman Impact in Alexandria;
• Football field is in great shape – ready for Junior High/Junior Varsity/Varsity games with the last game later in October;
• Playground equipment and fence installation has gone well. Thank you to the Booster Club and all the other volunteers;
• Roxanne Dyk has began her visitations and observations with the classroom teachers; and
• Had to fix window in the Suburban.
Mrs. Vermeulen reported on:
• Enrollment as of September 11th, 2017 – PreK-Fifth has 76 students; Sixth-Eighth, 42 students; Ninth-12th, 37 students; and the colony has 25 students for a total of 180 students;
• Grades K-2 will participate in Imagine Learning, which is paid for by the state;
• Dakota Players Children’s Theatre is scheduled for September 18 through 23, with performances on Saturday, September 23rd at 2 and 7 p.m.;
• No school September 15th;
• Picture retakes are scheduled for September 20th; and
• Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for September 27th.
Discussion item: Discussed the current status of the football co-op in conjunction with the three-school meeting that took place on September 6th. The focus of that meeting was on the football facilities at each school. The question being posed was, should we maintain three separate fields and are each acceptable to host games at the 11-man level? It was decided that we would do some cost analysis to determine if it is in the district’s best interest to make a financial commitment towards facility upgrades to ensure at least one game is held at Sanborn Central.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Opened and Reviewed bid for proposed air conditioning project. Received one bid from Tessier’s of $138,500.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Dean, all aye, to reject Tessier’s bid for air conditioning in the gym.
Opened and reviewed bids for proposed lighting project. Received bids from GenPro for $121,094.53, Bechen Electric for $83,170.56. Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to accept low bid from Bechen Electric for $83,170.58 contingent on the district securing a zero percent interest loan.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Dean, all aye, to amend the agenda. Add Item 25. Amend special education budget due to unforeseen expense. Move Adjournment to Item 26.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve amendment to special education budget due to unforeseen expenses. Special Education fund: day services $64,672.00. Means of Finance: ad valorem taxes increase by $64,672.00. Discussion of this amendment was due to extenuating circumstances.
Tax Levy Request for 2017-2018 school year. General Fund: AG = $1.507/per $1,000 of valuation; OO = $3.372/per $1,000 of valuation, OTH = $6.978/per $1,000 of valuation, Opt Out $250,000; Special Education Fund: $100,000; Capital Outlay Fund: $575,000.
Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 9, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Adams, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 10:41 pm.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Troy Olson
Board Chair

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