Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on July 9th, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Distance Learning room of the Woonsocket School. Members attending were: Jason White, Neal Hiemstra, Lisa Snedeker via conference call, Todd Olinger, and Jodi Doering. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Julie Bebout, Jason Bruce and Chris Selland.    Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  

On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Neal Hiemstra, the Board approved the meeting agenda with one additional item to come before the board. Motion carried.

The minutes of the regular board meeting held on June 11th, 2018, and the special meeting held on June 27th, 2018, were approved as presented on a motion by Lisa Snedeker seconded by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.  

On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the June 2018 financial report as follows, motion carried:

GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $572,615.42; Add receipts: Taxes $26,483.31; Interest $428.91; Other local: $1,648.56;  State $118,634.34; Federal $70,359.00; Total to be accounted for: $790,169.54; less disbursements $73,436.25; Cash balance: $716,733.29; less contracts and accounts payable/transfers;  $195,338.37; plus accounts receivable: $56,166.32; Fund Balance: $577,561.24.

CAPITAL OUTLAY, Beginning balance: $1,204,675.25; Add receipts: Taxes $28,048.75;  Other local: $0.00; Federal:  $0.00. Total to be accounted for:  $1,232,724.00; less disbursements $178,335.47; Cash balance: $1,054,388.53; less accounts payable: $9,120.69; Fund balance: $1,045,267.84.

SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $398,295.37; Add receipts: Taxes $15,239.24; Other Local: $0.00; State $0.00; Federal $51,469.00; Total to be accounted for: $465,003.61; less disbursements $49,573.12; Cash balance: $415,430.49; Less contracts and accounts payable/transfers: $35,071.02; Fund balance: $380,359.47.

PENSION, Beginning balance:  $200,730.07; Add receipts: Taxes $5.69; Other Local: $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $200,735.76;  less disbursements $35,000.00; Cash balance: $165,735.76; Fund balance: $165,735.76.

FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $57,020.88; Add receipts: Pupil receipts $225.60;  Adult receipts $0.00; Milk receipts $0.00; Interest $2.28; Other local:  $0.00; State $446.47; Federal reimbursement $4,012.42; Total to be accounted for: $61,707.65;  less disbursements $6,786.63; Cash  balance: $54,921.02; Less contracts/accounts payable: $10,192.38; plus accounts receivable:  $0.00: Fund balance: $44,728.64.   

ENTERPRISE FUND #53, Beginning balance: $124,330.77;  Add receipts: Other local: $460.00; Total to be accounted for: $124,790.77; less disbursements $5,031.32; Cash balance: $119,759.45; Less contracts/accounts payable: $9,793.40; Fund balance: $109,966.05. 

TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $20,050.39; Add receipts: Interest $.83; Pupil activities $1,595.42; Total to be accounted for: $21,646.64; less disbursements $526.86; Fund balance: $21,119.78.

Salaries and benefits for the month of June 2018 were as follows:

General Fund: $150,052.97

Special Education: $17,475.01

Enterprise #53: $5,031.32

Food Service: $5,149.95

GENERAL FUND                            

Accident Fund, Work Compensation Premium $5,545.00

Agtegra, Chemical $38.83

Associated School Boards of South Dakota, 2018-19 Member Dues $868.46

AT&T, Cell Phone $59.71

City of Woonsocket, Water Service $64.03

Core Educational Cooperative, Online Courses $560.00

Double D Body Shop, Windshield Chip Repair $60.00

Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles, Mini-Bus, Mower $391.96

Graves It Solutions, Server Upgrades $1,200.00

High Point Networks, Fortinet Site License $147.00

Hillyard, Custodian Supplies $5,365.86

Lehr, Dave, Tech Support Fee $140.00

Lieber, Sarah, Library Books $108.93

Local Lumber, Custodian Supplies/Shelf Materials $433.55

Menards, Custodian Supplies $402.86

Mount Vernon School, Shared Services Grant $21,802.04

NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service $2,690.06

Olsen, Rick, Camp Lodging – DDN Conference $141.58

Plainsman, Subscription – One Year $185.38

Riddell-All American Sports, Football Equipment and Recertification  $3,374.34

Riverside Technologies, Computer Repair Services $209.00

Sanborn Central School, Case Instruction – Vo Ag Instruction $400.00 (25 percent)

Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $270.35

SD Department Of Health, Nurse Services $282.00

SHI International, Microsoft Site Licenses $1,533.21

Technology In Education, Membership Dues – 2018-19 $1,160.00

Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service $706.90

Weber, Rod , Reimbursement – Gas – Leadership Conference $39.67

Williams Music & Office, Instrument Repair $44.00


A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $1,229.47

G&R Controls, Building Payment $3,717.00

Geotek, Building – Testing Services $7,587.00

Koch-Hazard Architects, Building Fees $1,533.69

Software Unlimited Inc., Software Maintenance Fee (Financial) $3,300.00

Tellinghuisen Inc., Building Payment $116,000.00

Fund Total: $133,367.16


First National Bank, Audible Books  – Special Ed – Visa $15.92

Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $616.00

Career Connections, Client Services $55.23

Lifequest, Client Services $605.40

Mcclane, Kelly, Mileage – Speech Services $75.60

Palace Transit, Client Transportation – Special Ed $80.00

SD Department of Human Services, Client Services/Non-Fed. Match $1,763.53

Fund Total: $3,211.68


Express 2, Gas – Driver’s Ed $108.46

Fund Total: $108.46

FOOD SERVICE                            

OncoreSoftware, License Fee-Menu Program $700.00

Variety Food, Dishwasher Rent $79.00

Fund Total: $779.00

Chris Selland gave the financial report and a review of the 2017-2018 fiscal year.  Superintendent Weber advised that the elementary addition project is close to being on target for a completion date in late August or early September.  The district received $1,000.00 from Associated School Boards of SD for being the recipient of the Community Helping Hands award that showcased the Community Theatre addition project that was accomplished with funding from the City, School and individual and business donations. Superintendent Weber also advised that he, along with Jason Bruce and Sarah Jensen, will present a model at the August Board meeting of how the Elementary Principal duties will be handled in the forthcoming year.               

On a motion made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering, the 2017-2018 Board of Education was officially adjourned and Superintendent Weber was appointed as temporary Board Chair. Motion carried. 

Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker with a second by Neal Hiemstra to approve the appointment of Jason White as Board Chair for the 2018-2019 term. Motion carried.  

The Board approved the following appointments for 2018-2019 on a motion by Neal Hiemstra seconded by Jodi Doering:  

Vice Chair – Lisa Snedeker

Negotiations Committee – Todd Olinger and Jodi Doering

Buildings and Grounds Committee – Neal Hiemstra and Jason White

Vocational Agriculture Representative – Lisa Snedeker

James Valley Educational Consortium Co-op Representative – Superintendent Rod Weber 

Motion carried.

After holding a public hearing based on the provisions of SDCL 13-11-2, the Board approved adoption of the 2018-2019 school budget on a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Jodi Doering.  Motion carried.

The following designations for 2018-2019 were approved on a motion by Neal Hiemstra, seconded by Todd Olinger:

•Designate First National Bank and Dakotaland Federal Credit Union as the school district’s official depositories and Hegg Insurance as Insurance Agent of record.  

•Designate Superintendent Rod Weber as the Director of all federal programs of the Woonsocket School District.

•Designate Superintendent Rod Weber as the school system’s truancy officer.

•Designate Rodney Freeman as the 2018-2019 school district’s attorney of record. 

•Designate Chris Selland as the school’s authorized representative to both South Dakota Retirement System and Insurance Groups as well as the school district’s custodian of accounts.

•Establish the date and time for monthly school board meetings as the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the DDN Classroom.

•Establish the Board Member’s per diem at $70.00 per regular and special meeting.  The Board Chair will receive $75.00 per meeting.  

Motion carried.

The following items of business were approved on a motion made by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger:

•Authorize Superintendent Rod Weber to postpone/cancel school for reasons of inclement weather or other matters affecting school or staff.

•Adopt the following order of business for the 2018-2019 Board of Education:

1)Call to order/Pledge of Allegiance;

2) Additional agenda items;

3) Approval of agenda;

4) Approval of the minutes;

5) Visitors to the board meeting;

6) Financial reports/bills/governance;

7) Reports and discussion items;

8) Old business

9) New business

10) Adjournment

•Adopt Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) as the official governing document for Board of Education meetings.

•Approve the Assurance of Compliance Standards for all Federal and State programs.

•Approve the annual School Bus Emergency Assistance Pact for the 2018-2019 school year.

•Approve the Sanborn Weekly Journal as the Woonsocket School District’s newspaper of record.

•Approve the following travel rates for overnight stay per diem allowance, effective July 1, 2018: 

1)$5.00 for breakfast

2)$7.00 for lunch

3)$11.00 for supper

4)Lodging is cost plus tax

5)Students qualifying for state events with overnight stay receive $7.00 per meal.                                                                                            

•Admission prices:  Students (K-12) $3.00; Adults – $5.00; Doubleheaders – Students (K-12) – $4.00;  Adults – $6.00 .

•Hot Lunch: PreK-6 – $2.80, 7 and 8 – $3.00, 9-12 – $3.05, Adults – $3.75 –  (ala-cart prices are separate).

•Breakfast:  Students (K-12) – $2.00, Adults – $3.00 – (ala-cart prices are separate) .

•Instrument rent – $10.00 summer, $25.00 school year.

•Bus Driver Training – $50.00.

•Complimentary passes: 65 years or older/Employees (family) /Board (family)//Superintendent discretion.

•Season Passes: Adults $45.00, Students $25.00, Family $85.00 (includes children K-12).•Student Planners: $3.50.

•Driver’s Education: $199.00 per session, retake – $75.00, out of district students – $300.00;

•Four- to five-year-old pre-school – $50.00 per month (three days per week – full days).

•Three-year-old pre-school – $35.00  per month (two days per week – half days).

•Mileage reimbursement: $0.42 per mile.

•Substitute Teacher pay – Certified – $100.00, Non-certified – $85.00, Long term (after five consecutive days) – $120.00.

•Election official pay – $100.00 per day.


1) Clock/Shot clock – $30.00 varsity, $15.00 Junior Varsity;

2) Basketball – Grade School (fifth-eighth) – $25.00, Ninth Grade and Junior Varsity – $35.00, Junior Varsity and Varsity – $100.00, Doubleheader Varsity – $115.00;

3) Football – $125.00, Junior Varsity Football – $35.00, Junior High Football – $25.00;

4) Volleyball Line Judging – $35.00 per night, Volleyball Official –   Junior Varsity and Varsity – $85.00.

Motion carried.                                     

Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Neal Hiemstra, to approve membership in SDUSA (formerly the SD Coalition of Schools) for 2018-2019.  Motion carried.

Motion was made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering, to authorize Chris Selland to obtain fuel oil quotes for the 2018 – 2019 school year, to be considered at the regular August meeting. Motion carried.  

Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Lisa Snedeker, to approve a bill to Tellinghuisen Construction in the amount of $116,000.00 for payment for work to date on the addition project. Motion carried.  

There being no further business to come before the Board, the July 9th, 2018, regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 7:29 p.m. on a motion by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.  




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