A School District Election will be held on June 18, 2019, in all the voting precincts in School District No. 55-5, Sanborn, South Dakota. If the polls cannot be opened because of bad weather, the election may be postponed one week.
The election polls will be open from seven a.m. to seven p.m. central time on the day of the election.
One School Board Member for a three year term.
•Justin Enfield;
•Andrew Ettswold.
The polling place in each precinct of this district is as follows:
Sanborn Central School in the commons of the gym.
Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the school business manager at 605-495-4183 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Sanborn Central
School District