The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club – Blue Group met on Sunday, Jan. 20, at 4 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center. The meeting was called to order by president, Ellie Evans. Pledges were led by Teagen Moody and Cole Wilson. Roll call question was “What is a winter project you would like to complete for 4-H?” Twenty-five members and seven clover buds answered the roll call question. Payton Uecker read the secretary’s report, no changes were made. Bryce Larson gave the treasurer’s report. Teagen made a motion to pay all the bills and approve the treasurer’s report, Payton seconded the motion.
Committee Reports: Kelly and Cole Wilson, Alexis Kelly, and Sherry Hanson gave a report on the food pantry boxes. It was a huge success! Caleb Kneen and Shay Bechen gave a report on the Christmas tree they helped decorate at the Sanborn County Courthouse. Delaney Zoss gave an update on what she had sent out for grandparents, and she had Valentine’s Day cards for members to sign.
Old Business: Some members were reminded they still need to sign up online for the current 4-H year. Recognition thank you cards were written and will be mailed out soon. Several members handed out completion documents. Miley Adams and Riley Kneen gave a report on the Christmas party. Everyone agreed it was a fun experience and was a good time.
New Business: The new calendars were handed out so members could update them. Stacy explained what should be written in the calendars at each meeting. Stacy also spoke to the club about some of the do’s and don’ts of the record book. She reminded everyone that the accumulative reports need to be brought to the front and updated yearly. The next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 18 at 9 a.m.; members will need to bring an idea of what to make for a poster. Ashlee Hanson made a motion to have the club purchase 14×22 poster board to use at the next meeting, and Brooklyn Larson seconded the motion. Janet is having a sewing day with some members on Jan. 21 at her home. Stacy talked to the club about the incentive program the leaders are doing this year. The deadline for the first round of drawing is April 29. Stacy told the members to be sure to send a picture of a project they have completed this year to one of the leaders to be entered into the drawing. Stacy also talked to the club about a selected outfit and how this could be a very easy project suitable for all members.
Pie auction money raised during achievement days last year was used to purchase items for the kitchen at the 4-H building. Velma alerted the club that 4-H fruit sales will soon be starting. Orders will be taken in February with a March delivery date. Money from fruit sales this year will be used to add on storage to the 4-H building.
Talks/Demonstrations were: Brady Larson – “All About Tobacco,” Ashlee Hanson – “Violins,” Toby Kneen – “Hunting Safety,” Bryce Larson – “Be Safe, Stay Safe Online,” and Sidney Richardson – “Making a Centerpiece.”
Recreation: Brady Larson had a game for members to play called crawl ball. Members worked on teamwork and building good character.
The next meeting was scheduled for Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. at the Letcher Community Center.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.