By Sherryl Rankin
Do you know the correct way to fold a napkin for a place setting? Can you name the six main nutrients and their functions? (Hint… here’s the nutrients: water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.) Now, can you tell me the amount of food that you need from each food group (for your age and physical activity level) every day? Tough questions for most people. But in Sanborn County, nine 4-Hers took on the challenge to answer them when they competed in the Special Foods Contest held on July 20 at the 4-H Building in Forestburg.
This unique contest gives the youth a chance to prepare a recipe from any of the five food groups. Members of 4-H are then challenged to learn about nutrition, prepare a menu, set up an attractive place setting, use proper food safety procedures and be judged on the final food product. Youth are allowed a total of 90 minutes to prepare the recipe, complete a place setting and interview with the nutrition judge.
Judging the contest this year were Paula Linke and Maria Feldhaus, 4-H Youth Program Advisor for Miner County. Results for the 2020 Special Foods Contest and the special dishes prepared are as follows:
Purple – Kaylee Adams, Banana-Strawberry Smoothie; Sury Bechen, Sunrise Surprise Smoothie; Ramsey Fouberg, Surprise Smoothie; Victoria Hoffman, Pizza Meat Cups; Brooklyn Larson, Incredible Edible Eggbake; Megan Linke, One Pot Cheeseburger Casserole; Isaiah Schultz, South of the Border Stuffed Avocados;
Blue – Miley Adams, Berry Green Smoothie; Shay Bechen, Twice Baked Potato Taco Hot Dish.
…Read some recipes and see pictures of the event in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!