Peter Thompson
24635 404th Ave., Mitchell, SD 57301
Philip Kempf
1211 S. Miller, Mitchell, SD 57301
Plantiff having been found in favor of judgment in the amount of $16,227.00 costs, interests, and any other costs associated with judgment dated May 6, 2020, and filed with the Sanborn County Clerk of Courts on May 21, 2020.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to said judgment that the real property described in the Notice of Levy filed May 26, 2020, with the Sanborn County Register of Deeds is as follows:
Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Eleven (11), Township One Hundred and Eight (108) North, Range Sixty (60), West of the 5th P.M., Sanborn County South Dakota.
Sale will be made to the highest bidder for cash.
Notice is also given that I will be selling a position of Lien for Peter Thompson, and that other liens have been recorded with the Sanborn County Clerk of Courts Office and are as follows:
CHS Capital, LLC against Philip Kempf $53,171.00, dated July 9, 2019, and assigned to BankWest, Inc., August 26, 2019.
This property willl be sold to the highest bidder at the Sanborn County Courthouse on August 6, 2020, at 10:00 A.M.
Sanborn County Sheriff