Trista White pushes the ball up the court for the Lady Blackhawks during the game against Mitchell Christian at Sanborn Central last week.
On Monday night, the Lady Blackhawks hosted the James Valley Christian Vikings in Forestburg for their last regular season 281 Conference matchup. The SCW ladies worked well together to come out on top and win the 281 Conference Championship for regular season play. The varsity final score was SCW 67, James Valley 39.
The Lady Blackhawks were led by three players in double digits with Trinity Boschee and Kaylee White both scoring 12 points and Trista White registering 11. Kaylee White also contributed 11 rebounds and four assists, while her sister, Trista, brought down eight rebounds. Boschee also added four rebounds. Teya Moody helped out with nine points, Brooke Doering had eight points, and Taryn Ziebart handed in seven points for the books.
The junior varsity girls had a rough night and handed the James Valley JV girls a win with a final score of 17-38. Teya Moody led the scoring for that game with six points.
…Read on and see more pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!