Town ‘N Kountry Kid 4-H Club Blue Group meets

The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Blue Group met on Oct. 3 at the Letcher Community Center. Thirty members were present for the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Delaney Zoss. The pledges were led by Cooper Hemminger and Sury Bechen.  Members signed in for roll call. The secretary’s report was read by Hudson Fouberg and approved with additions.  Payton Uecker gave the treasurer’s report, Teagen Moody made a motion to approve, and it was seconded by Hudson Fouberg. There are several outstanding bills. Sophie Kelly, Safety Leader, gave the tip, “Always wear your seatbelt.”

Committee Reports:

• Grandparents – Members are reminded to continue to write to their assigned “grandparent” in the community.  The list will be emailed out.  If there are any names to add, let Janet know. 

• National 4-H week is Oct. 4-8. Wilson, Evans/Meier and Larson families will work on an activity at Sanborn Central school. The Foubergs will hang up the 4-H sign at Sanborn Central. The Larson family will work on getting the display up at the courthouse. The Zoss, Bechen and Plamp families will work on an activity at Mitchell schools. The Hansens will work on an activity at Mount Vernon schools. All members are encouraged to wear their 4-H t-shirts at school.

• Halloween – The Stacy Zoss, Moody, Uecker, Adams, Hoffman, and Fouberg families will work on getting together for Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31, 5 p.m. Flyers will be made and shared. Kaylee made a motion for the club to buy candy to handout at Trunk or Treat.  Ramsey Fouberg seconded the motion. Payton Uecker will be in charge of buying the candy.

• American Education week is Nov. 15-19. The committee has not met yet. The committee members are Cooper Goldammer, Janet M., and Teagen and Memphis Moody.  

Old Business:

• Club planning sheet – This was e-mailed out and needs to be reviewed. Families should plan to be the “host” of a meeting and should schedule members’ demonstrations or talks. If you are not signed up, take a look and let Janet know.

• Playground equipment – A swing that was ordered has arrived and needs to be put together. The club still has some money available for other items.  Members should think about ideas and bring them to the next meeting. Members talked about a “ga-ga” ball pit that the school has. Mr. Welch made this for the school. Ramsey Fouberg  made a motion to purchase items to make this; Dean Hansen seconded the motion. The motion was approved and discussed. Miley Adams and Hudson Fouberg will talk to Mr. Welch at the Sanborn Central school about hiring him and the FFA /Ag class to make something along the lines of what they made for the school

• Delaney’s blanket activity – This is a Teen Leadership Academy project. Delaney will be making these blankets and donating them to the nursing home residents in Woonsocket.

New Business: 

• Recognition Event will be on Nov. 14.

• Shooting Sports Recognition Event and Safety course is on Nov. 7.

• Discussion was held on whether the club would like to purchase a new flag pole for the community of Letcher to replace the current one in front of the Legion/Community Center. A grant opportunity was reviewed. Teagen Moody made the motion to look into the expense of this and to get approval from the town. Timmy Kelly seconded the motion. Additional discussion was held also discussing lights and other improvements to the area. Miley Adams will visit with the Legion members about the idea. Bryce Larson and Ashley Hansen will bring information to the next meeting. 

• The gate to the fenced area between the community center and Jake’s Lounge needs to be fixed. Discussion was held regarding getting a gate on the street side of the fence. Lacy Bechen will check with Trevor on options for the fence and gate.

• An ALM grant was awarded to the club, and with the grant, the group will be purchasing trash cans to place at Rossy Park, the community center and at Letcher Lake.

• Those members interested in signing up for an officer position were encouraged to sign up on the sheet going around. Leaders will be contacting interested members to discuss the roles of the position so that they are clearly understood. Members will vote at the next meeting.

• State Horse Judging – Delaney Zoss shared about the experience. She will be part of the Senior division team that travels to Denver.

• Fun Horse Show and Safety course will be Oct. 17 in Forestburg.

Meeting was adjourned.

Talks/ demos: 

Delaney Zoss – “How to make a Tie Blanket” (Clothing and Textiles);

Hudson Fouberg – “How to refurbish a chair” (Home Environment);

Brooklyn Larson – “Toilet Paper Pumpkin” (Recycled Fabric);

Oaklyn Plamp – “How to take care of a show pig” (Swine).

Members participated in a community service project by assembling “Toilet Paper Pumpkins” to take to the nursing home in Woonsocket. 

Snacks were provided by the  Steve Zoss, Bechen and Plamp families.

…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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