Woonsocket City Council proceedings

March 8, 2021, Minutes

The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Richard Reider at 7:00 p.m. Monday, March 8, 2021, with the following members present: Darin Kilcoin, Arin Boschee, John Baysinger, Derek Foos and Finance Officer Tara Weber. Joel Rassel attended on conference call and Garret Foos was absent.

Others present: Elliot Ohlroggee, Brandon Goergen, Mazie Opsahl, Heather Reimer and Lonnie Kuper

Motion by D. Foos, seconded by Boschee, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Motion by Baysinger, seconded by Boschee, to approve the February 8th minutes. Motion carried.

Motion by Rassel, seconded by Kilcoin, to approve the Financial Report. Motion carried.

Motion by Rassel, seconded by D. Foos, to approve the following bills.

South Dakota Retirement $1,024.32 Retirement

First National Bank $2,102.26 Payroll Tax

Waste Management $10,470.29 Two Months Garbage

Woony Foods $4.55 Shop

WW Tire $605.33 Shop

Santel Communications $257.93 Phone/Computer

Sanborn Weekly Journal $654.57 Publishing

RDO $9,412.49 Shop

NorthWestern Energy $2,374.30 Utilities

Public Health Lab $15.00 Water

Mebulbs $553.85 Shop

Mcleods $89.08 Election

Menards $230.87 Shop

Michael Todd & Company $1,118.75 Streets

KO’s Pro Service $303.90 Shop

Hawkins $55.00 Water

Express 2 $313.30 Shop

Express Stop $21.84 Shop

Department of Revenue $253.72 Sales Tax

Carquest $43.39 Shop

Benders $130.00 Sewer

Ameripride $61.80 Shop

Total: $30,096.54 

7:15 p.m. – Lonnie Kuper met with the council regarding the new housing development. 


Council discussed the new housing development area. SPN has presented two options for plotting. Motion by Kilcoin, seconded by Boschee, to approve option #1. Motion carried. 

Council discussed streets. Motion by D. Foos, seconded by Baysinger, to approve the quote from Topkote to crack seal streets. Motion carried. 

Mayor Reider explained the plan for the waterbreak by Hiemstra’s shop.

Council discussed the treadmill/elliptical. They have both been ordered.

Council discussed the Election. With only one person turning in petitions for the vacant seats, the election has been cancelled and the following people will be sworn in during the May meeting. Darin Kilcoin, Ward 1; Joel Rassel, Ward 2; Derek Foos, Ward 3 and Elliot Ohlrogge, Ward 3. 


Weber presented the 2020 Drinking Water Report. Motion by Boschee, seconded by Kilcoin, to approve the report. Motion carried. 

Motion by Rassel, seconded by Kilcoin, to approve the 2021 Law Enforcement Agreement. Motion carried.

Council discussed upgrading a mower. It was decided to keep the mowers the city currently has.

Council discussed abandoned cars.

Council discussed parks. The school is going to work on a plan to build a cabin. The bathhouse will be open for the campground to use after regular hours. The depot needs to be painted. The campground rate was set at $400 per month and $15 per day for the campground across from the lake and $350 per month and $15 per day for the campground by the baseball field. 

Council discussed the equalization meeting set for Monday, March 15th.

Council discussed drainage. The council had approved $5,000 towards drainage that was never used. That money will still be available if needed.

Council discussed Tom Meyers’ side of the building that was tore down. Larson will continue to work with him to pay for his half of the demolition.

With no further business to be discussed, motion by D. Foos, seconded by Boschee, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Richard Reider



Tara Weber

Finance Officer

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