At around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, fire departments from Artesian, Fedora and Carthage were called out to a blaze north of Artesian on property owned by Don Klinkner. There was a controlled burn at the same location a couple weeks ago, so Artesian Fire Chief Brad Zobel stated that something got stirred up from what was burned before and got air to it to get the fire started again.
With the torrential winds the area has been experiencing, it takes a lot to get a fire out right now. Zobel stated that if it wasn’t for the three farmers who were at the scene of the fire with their tractors and disks, he wasn’t sure they would have been able to contain the blaze. He also credited the farmers who are baling up all the cattails and other dry brush on dried up sloughs as a factor in keeping the flames from spreading too far and too quickly for the firefighters to get a handle on things.
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!