Five Sanborn County 4-Hers participated in the 85th Anniversary Western Junior Livestock Show and Family Consumer Science Show held Oct. 4-8 at the Pennington County Fairgrounds in Rapid City.
Following are the Western Junior Livestock Show results:
In the swine category, Henry Feistner earned purple and class winner crossbred market gilt and purple and class winner with his crossbred breeding gilt. Emmitt Feistner earned purple and class winner with his crossbred market barrow and purple crossbred market gilt. Emmitt also made it to the grand drive in junior showmanship and received a purple.
In the meat goats category, Delaney Zoss exhibited two junior does which both won their respective classes and in the grand drive was third overall and received a purple in Sr. showmanship. Delaney, Cannon and Cain Zoss also took part in the livestock skillathon contest.
In the Western Family and Consumer Science Show, Cain Zoss was named top junior family consumer science judging contest winner and was overall high point family consumer science winner for junior exhibitors; his photography exhibit earned purple. Delaney Zoss was awarded a trip to the Denver Stock Show with her top senior public presentation on “Farmer Suicide.”
Cain, Cannon and Delaney also participated in Meats ID, horticulture ID and family consumer sciences judging.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!