Despite the uncomfortable weather conditions, people and businesses from all over Sanborn County joined in the fun in helping Sanborn Central senior Brady Larson put together a beautiful parade of lights for his senior project. There were 38 entries total, and they were all very different from each other. Some had inflatables, others had ropes of lights, and some built signs or wired-up walls to hang lights on. The parade was a string of creative creations roaming the streets of Letcher. It was a sight to be seen.
There were a large number of spectators along the streets to see what everyone came up with for entries. Some entries threw candy, and some had people walk along their float to hand out treats. The parade entries were judged, and the winners were announced at the baked potato and nacho feed at the Letcher Community Center following the parade. The winners were LZ Livestock in third place, JABR Towing in second place, and Dakota Pro Air claimed first place honors. The feed was a free-will offering, and it raised $1,800 for the Letcher Hawks Teener Baseball team. It all came together for a great project and a wonderful night for the whole community.
…See many pictures of the parade in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!