The Town of Artesian Council met on August 8, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in regular session at the Artesian Community Center. Council Member Travis King called the meeting to order with Council Member Candi Danek and Mike Salathe present. Also present was Finance Officer MaKenna Hertel. Present for public participation was Kaleigh Zoss.
Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to approve the following consent items: Council Minutes, Financial Statement, General Fund Balances, and Payment of bills as listed below. Motion carried.
Xcel Energy, Utilities $1,548.76; Hertel, MaKenna, Payroll $701.63; Fridley, Tom, Payroll $229.34; Salathe, Michael, Payroll $73.65: IRS, Payroll $754.14: Artesian Fire Department, Rent $125.00; South Dakota Department of Revenue, Sales Tax $156.00: Dawson Construction Inc., Utilities $1,247.99; Forestburg Farmers Elevator, Streets $8.85; Scotts Supply Company, Streets $226.23
Old Business:
Discussion was held on streets – new street signs to be ordered were discussed. Lagoon – Discussion was held on it being mowed. Discussion was held on code enforcement – letters will be sent out for long grass.
New Business:
The Council held the first reading of the 2024 budget. Discussion was held to put a mailbox in the shop. Discussion was held to find the ordnance for moving items out of the Catholic church.
There being no further business, motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to adjourn. Motion carried.
MaKenna Hertel
City of Artesian
Finance Officer
Travis King
Council Member
Published once on August 17, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $20.00 and may be viewed free of charge at