Homecoming Royalty announced

In light of some unique circumstances with no female member of the senior class at Sanborn Central, the “powers that be” had to come up with a little different approach to naming Homecoming Royalty at their school this year. So, they decided to have a Mr. Blackhawk contest. There was a student-body vote, a swimsuit competition, and a watermelon eating contest, all to earn points toward a top winner, and Bryce Larson was crowned their Mr. Blackhawk to represent their school this week.

With 26 students in Woonsocket’s senior class, this year’s coronation in Woonsocket was filled with introductions, pep band, cheers and an outstanding junior skit, all leading up to the announcement of this year’s Knight and Princess. The two honored with the titles for this year’s Homecoming festivities are Knight Rylan Grassel and Princess Makenzie Schley.

…See pictures of the royalty in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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