A primary election will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in all the voting precincts in Sanborn County.
The election polls will be open from seven a.m. to seven p.m. central time on the day of the election.
The polling place in each precinct of the county is as follows:
Precinct 1 – Afton, Benedict, Diana, Floyd, Oneida, Ravenna, Union Townships; and Artesian City at 4-H Building in Forestburg;
Precinct 2 – Butler, Elliott, Letcher, Logan Townships; Letcher City at 4-H Building in Forestburg;
Precinct 4 – Jackson, Silver Creek, Twin Lake, Woonsocket Townships; Ward 2 Woonsocket City at 4-H Building in Forestburg;
Precinct 5 – Ward 1 and Ward 3 of Woonsocket City; Warren Township at 4-H Building in Forestburg.
Voters with disabilities may contact the county auditor at 605-796-4513 for information and special assistance in absentee voting or polling place accessibility.
Kami Moody,
County Auditor,
Sanborn County
Published on May 23 and May 31, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $25.00 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.