Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held with the Sanborn County Planning & Zoning Board at 9:15 a.m. on Monday, February 5th, 2024. The meeting will be held on the second floor of the Sanborn County Courthouse in the Commissioner Room in Woonsocket, S.D. In the event of inclement weather, the meeting will be held the following Monday.
Meeting is to discuss a Conditional Use Application for allowing a camping unit(s) to be parked and occupied upon a lot and not within a designated campground for a period greater than 14 days within a calendar year (Section 1525). This is land on Lot 9 of J&L Subdivision NW4 30-106-62 Twin Lake Township, Sanborn County, S.D.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend this hearing.
Should you have any questions, please call the Director of Equalization office at 605-796-4514.
Tami Ziebart
Deputy Zoning
Sanborn County
Published once on January 25, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $13.50 and may be viewed free of charge at