SCW Blackhawks compete in Hanson Tournament

On Tuesday, Aug. 27, the SCW varsity volleyball ladies took on the AC/DC Thunder for their first round of play in the Hanson Early Bird Tournament. With the loss of several seniors last year, and a group of new team members entering the rotation, the Blackhawks had a rough start, ending their first round with a 0-2 loss. Set scores were 19-25 and 23-25, proving the girls were right at the cusp of where they needed to be, but just needed a little more push to get the win.

In the second night of play on Thursday night, the Blackhawks found their groove and that push they needed, as they beat Freeman in two sets with scores of 25-20 and 25-23.

In their final round of the tournament, the Blackhawks were in the running for fifth place against the Wessington Springs Spartans. SCW had a slow start with a tough 11-25 loss, but they battled back in the next two sets, winning with scores of 25-10 and 25-17 to earn fifth place in their first competition of the season.

The SCW ladies were on the court again on Tuesday against Hanson and against Ethan on Thursday, both at home. Look for results and stats for those games in next week’s issue. Their next game is on Tuesday, Sept. 10 in Corsica, and then they go to Parkston next Thursday. Follow the Blackhawks on the home-school’s online streaming service to see that action right from the comfort of home or join the crowds at the gym. Junior varsity games start at around 6:30 p.m.

…Read individual stats in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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