Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

SEPTEMBER 19, 2023

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at 8:57 a.m., with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the minutes from the August 15th meeting, as presented. Motion carried.  Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. 


Ryan Olson was present to inquire about township bridges and replacement. The bridge in discussion is a township bridge. Options about replacement and applying for the Rural Access Infrastructure Grant were discussed. 


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent and Sheri Kogel, Highway Administrative Assistant, met with the board. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to approve the purchase of a 2024 Caterpillar 150 15A AWD Motor Grader with a nine-year warranty from Butler Cat for the purchase price of $426,500.00, with a trade in value of $167,700 for the 2016 Cat Motor Grader 140M3. Motion carried. Eric Prunty with Brosz Engineering was present to give an update on the bridge repair on 221st Street. The road is currently open, but may potentially be closed when the remaining repair is completed. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson to transfer $1,723,000 from General Fund to the Highway Fund for 2023 expenses. Motion carried.

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to enter Weed Board at 9:28 a.m. Discussion was had on weeds within the county. Ebersdorfer declared end of weed board at 9:35 a.m. 


The five-year plan was presented at a public meeting. Public in attendance were Stacy Mendenhall and Sheri Kogel, Highway Department; County Commissioners; Kami Moody, County Auditor; and Tom Fridley and Josh Starzman, Sheriff’s office. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P.Larson, to approve the County five-year plan as presented. Motion carried.


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve Resolution 2023-13.




Whereas, (7-21-5 thru 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year, and,

Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and,

Whereas, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations and additions have been made thereto.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that such Provisional Budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, shall be approved and adopted as THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES for Sanborn County, South Dakota, and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024, and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, this 19th day of September, 2023. The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the county auditor of Sanborn County, South Dakota.  The accompanying taxes are levied by Sanborn County for the year January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024. County Tax Levy for General Fund is 3.418, for Road & Bridge Opt Out is .472. This levy has not been approved by the Department of Revenue. 


Aaron Fink and Rick George were present to propose a timeline for the purchase of a new ambulance. George talked about the different options of ambulances and demos versus purchasing a custom built rig. This is an extended timeline item, with hopes to put some funds aside for a few years before making the purchase. Grant options will also be explored. 


Drainage Board minutes from August 9 were reviewed, discussed, and approved.  

Planning and Zoning minutes from September 11 were reviewed, discussed, and approved.  

Josh Starzman, Emergency Manager presented Safe Space Shelter options to the board. Starzman will apply for a grant for the cost of two shelters that will be placed in Forestburg. Discussion was had on a new drone for the Sheriff’s office that has thermal capibilities. There are grants available for aiding the cost of the drone. Starzman will do more research on options and funding and report back to the board. 

The Board along with Auditor Moody had discussion regarding the WIC/County Health Nurse state restructure and how it will impact the county. Because the duties of the WIC and CHN offices are shared with Jerauld County, Moody will schedule a meeting with the Jerauld County Board of Commissioners to have further discussion on this matter. 

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to declare Lots 9-12 Inc Blk 2 Crennans & Shannons Addition of Letcher Town as surplus. Motion carried. County will be accepting sealed bids for the property with bid opening taking place at 10 a.m. during the commissioner meeting on October 17th.  

Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to sign the executive order 2023-13 by the State of South Dakota regarding the definition of a contractor. Motion carried. Sanborn County is considered a contractor with the State of South Dakota when doing business, for reimbursement purposes. 

South Dakota Department of Safety proposed a contract with Sanborn County regarding the LEMPG (Local Emergency Management Performance Grant) program. Sanborn County does not currently hold a contract with the state for these services and chose not to move forward with the contract. 

Auditor Moody received a letter from the Department of Agriculture regarding a Surface Water Discharge Permit. No action necessary. 


Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $3,009,428.01

Register of Deeds $1,330.00

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

August Payroll before Deductions:

Commissioners $6,184.97

Auditor $8,430.01

Treasurer $8,827.30

States Attorney $7,097.04

Courthouse $4,046.38

Assessor $9,987.31

Register of Deeds $9,132.13

Sheriff $17,541.58

Public Welfare $1,585.48

Nurse $2,903.01

Ambulance $742.96

WIC $354.20

Extension Office $3,415.13

Weed $3,939.96

Drainage $193.77

Planning and Zoning $0.00

Road and Bridge $39,054.46

E-911 $163.10

Emergency Management $757.10

Sobriety Testing $163.11

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $130.50

Huron Regional Medical Center, Employee Garnishment $344.50

First National Bank, Tax Liability $8,149.14

Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Insurance $25,685.71

AFLAC, Insurance $1,524.95

South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement $9,136.12

Delta Dental, Insurance $1,278.80

Small Business, Insurance $51.00

Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $96.69

BEAM, Insurance $285.39

Cincinnati Insurance Co., Insurance $512.81

EMC National Life Company, Insurance $424.71

Colonial Life, Insurance $126.30

First National Bank of Omaha, Supplies $14,024.82

First National Bank of Omaha, Diret Deposit Fee $27.56

AT&T Mobility, Utilities $505.76

City of Woonsocket, Utilities $87.76

CNH – Titan Machinery, Case Skid Shoe $550.00

Connecting Point, Yearly Support $12,005.00

Conrad Repairs LLC, Repairs $222.56

Express 2, Fuel $2,077.49

Innovative Solutions, Supplies $740.48

McLeod’s Printing & Supply, Supplies $268.80

Menard’s, Supplies $287.89

Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Blood Tests $388.00

South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, Liability and Property Insurance $66,161.84

Todd Spader, Mowing $690.00

Towns – Townships – Schools – Cities, Monthly Remittance $42,139.42

South Dakota Association of County Officials, Monthly Remittance $70.00

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $78,207.55

A-OX Welding, Supplies $43.52

Agtegra Coop, Supplies $16,217.80

Amazon Business Capital Service, Supplies $118.59

Beadle County Sheriff, Jail Fees – L. Williams, D. Schmidt, G. Sandoval Chilel, N. Martin, D. Gee $3,277.50

Bound Tree, Supplies $678.19

Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $6,050.22

Brosz Engineering Inc., Repairs $36,157.50

Brule County Sheriff Office, Jail Fees – C. Thorton and J. Knox $2,108.00

CapFirst Equipment Finance, Inc, Yearly Payment $55,598.08

Mike Carpentier, Services $180.00

Central Electric Cooperative, Utilities $255.93

Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Court Appointed Fees – L. Montoya Vanegas $1,228.40

City of Woonsocket, Utilities $14.00

CNH – Productivity Plus – Titan M., Yearly Payment $550.00

Davison County Sheriff, Jail Fees – J. Weissman and S. Hemminger $1,900.00

State of South Dakota, Blood Draw $125.00

South Dakota Department of Legislative Audit, 20-21 Legislative Audit $11,442.00

Doug’s Custom Paint & Body Inc., Repairs $178.76

Emergency Safety ED, EVOC Driver Training $100.00

Express Stop, Fuel $199.94

Farmers Elevator Co., Fuel $597.56

Deb Fastnacht, EMT Courses $150.00

Floor to Ceiling, Repairs on Third Floor Bathroom $2,555.97

First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $2,113.88

Hollaway Construction Inc., Repairs $465,633.65

Kibble Equipment, Mower  Supplies $332.72

KO’S Pro Service, Repairs $507.74

Napa Central, Supplies $143.20

Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc., Supplies $215.15

NorthWestern Energy, Utilities $1,377.54

Office Peeps, Supplies $1,510.22

Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee July 2023 $518.38

Binder Lift INC Phase, Patient Lift Assistance Device $562.25

Premier Equipment, Supplies $315.00

Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Blood Tests $257.00

Safety Benefits Inc., Dues $75.00

Santel Communications, Utilities $1,156.40

South Dakota Department of Transportation, Repairs $47.74

Diana Senska, 4-H Building Rent $100.00

Todd Spader, Mowing $345.00

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $610.35

Travis Coulthard, A/C Unit Repair $52.85

Tech Solutions, Tech Support $3,366.00

Verizon, Utilities $80.02

Ron Volesky, Court Appointed Fees – J.Weigand and J. Weissman $7,084.00

Waste Management, Utilities $234.52

Wheelco, Supplies $553.47

Williams Musical & Office Equipment, Toner $900.00

Woony Foods, Supplies $13.98

Xcel Energy, Utilities $6.03

There being no further business before the board, motion by Peterson, seconded by S. Larson, to adjourn the meeting at 3:22 p.m. Motion carried. 

The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County                                                                                                                         

Published once on September 28, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $130.00 and may be viewed free of charge at

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