First Lutheran Women meet

First Lutheran Church Women met Wednesday, Aug. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the church with eight members and Pastor LeShea Avery present.
Judy Wormstadt shared a letter from St. Dysmas as opening devotions. The Bible study, “Encounters with Christ” based on John 4:1-42 and Luke 24:13-35, was shared together as a group. The Lord’s Prayer was prayed and table blessing was sung. Lunch was served by Judy Wormstadt during the business meeting. The secretary’s report was read and approved.
Joyce Olson, Jerolyn Dean, Pastor LeShea and Judy Wormstadt shared highlights of their visit to St. Dysmas on Aug. 23. Others were encouraged to go if the group visits there again. Pastor LeShea talked to the lady who bought the quilt the group sent to the Joy Ranch auction. It brought $500. The approximate total from the auction was $40,000, which will benefit Lutheran Outdoors Camp Ministry.
More backpack style school kit bags were ordered and received. The total so far is 67 school kits, one personal care kit, one fabric kit and three baby care kits. Great job everyone who made kits!
The list of cleaning jobs has been posted at the church. Each lady is to complete a job or two, and mark it off the list. All jobs need to be completed by Sept. 15.
All members volunteering to be in the “Little Red Hen” skits for the Unity Service and the Fall Retreat need to be at the church by 9 a.m. following 8 a.m. worship on Sept. 9 to practice the skits and also the songs Pastor LeShea found for the Unity Service.
All ladies will be contacted the week prior to Sept 16 (the day of the Unity Service) with a reminder as to what they are to furnish and a work schedule.
The Gather magazine has been ordered for the Bible study beginning in September. A leader’s guide will also be ordered.
The Harvest Festival at First Lutheran will be Oct. 14. Joyce Olson reported on the completion of cement blocks on the church front pillars and also the ELCW lighted sign on the front of the church.
The group practiced songs for the Unity Service.

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