Notice is hereby given that the Woonsocket School District No. 55-4, Sanborn County, South Dakota, has been audited by Schoenfish & Co., Inc., Certified Public Accountants, Parkston, South Dakota, for the year ended June 30, 2023. A detailed report thereon is available for public inspection, during normal business hours, at the business office of the School District, and also available at the Department of Legislative Audit in Pierre, South Dakota or on the Department of Legislative Audit website at
The following findings and recommendations provide a brief description of material weaknesses in internal control, legal noncompliance and other matters that are described in more detail in the audit report.
Internal Control – Related Findings – Material Weaknesses:
A material weakness in internal controls was noted due to a lack of proper segregation of duties for revenues. This is a continuing audit comment since fiscal year 2006.
We recommend that the Woonsocket School District officials be cognizant of this lack of segregation of duties for revenues and attempt to provide compensating internal controls whenever, and wherever, possible and practical.
The report contains the auditor’s findings and recommendations concerning less significant deficiencies in internal control at the School District.
Published on December 5 and December 12, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $33.00 and may be viewed free of charge at