Organized baseball has been a source of summer entertainment for decades in Sanborn County, and there have been many years of success in its history. The Pony Hills Amateur League was viable as early as 1948, and probably earlier, when there were teams from Letcher, Virgil, Alpena, Artesian, Woonsocket, Wessington Springs, Danforth, Forestburg and Lane, and each town had its own field for games to be played on every Sunday. Common names of players for Woonsocket’s team in 1948 were Moe Authier, Don Reider, A. Krause, R. Krause, D. Krause and Oas. For Letcher, they were Ike Petesch, Case and Crockett. In that same year, there was a junior-junior team from Woonsocket that made it to the State Tournament. The Woonsocket News reported that their team was under the management of Father Kelly, and major players on that team were John Ball, Patterson and Gerleman.
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!