Bruce wins national photography contest

Noah Bruce accepts a $100 check from Diane Larson, Regent of CDA Court Holy Heart #163 of St. Wilfrid Parish, Woonsocket. Bruce, a sophomore at Woonsocket School, won the photography division in his age group in the National CDA Education Contest.

Noah Bruce has been named a first place winner in the National Catholic Daughters of the Americas Education Contest. He received $100 in the photography division.
Noah is a sophomore at Woonsocket High School and entered the local CDA Contest in the photography division with a photo of his little sister. Court Holy Heart #163 of St. Wilfrid parish sponsored Bruce.
Bruce won at the local and state levels, along with Tayla Weber and Spens Schlicht,  sophomores who both  entered the poetry division. The three students were awarded $15 at the local and state levels for their winnings and all three were entered at the national level.
Court Holy Heart wants to congratulate these students and the others who entered the contest.




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