THE HIGH school basketball players who took part in the skills camp are, in back from left: camp instructor Clint Sargent, Morgan Selland, Tayla Weber, Rachel Selland, Myah Selland, Garrett Larson, Tyler Krueger, Wyatt Feistner, Amanda Hart (who plays for Dakota Wesleyan and helped with the camp), Jill Sargent; front row: Shelby Selland, Maddie Vermeulen, Kayla Olson, Rex Schlicht, Garret Dean and Trevor Olson.
A basketball camp was held last Wednesday afternoon and evening at Sanborn Central School, hosted by Jill (Young) Sargent and her husband, Clint Sargent, as a fundraiser for Tanna Kingsbury.
Sanborn Central and Woonsocket students in two groups of grades four to eight and grades nine through 12 spent two hours each learning skills from the former South Dakota State University standouts. The Sargents currently play basketball for USC Heidelberg, a professional team in Heidelberg, Germany.
The couple hosted the camp for free and participants were asked for a free-will donation to attend. Around $550 was raised and donated to Tanna’s fight against cancer.
Tanna was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer affecting mostly adolescents, this past spring. She underwent six aggressive rounds of chemotherapy to
shrink the tumor, doctoring at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. and Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls.
Last Thursday, Tanna underwent a successful surgery to remove the tumor. The pathology report came back Monday reporting the treatment was 99 percent effective.
Tanna is currently recovering from surgery at Mayo. She will be a freshman at Sanborn Central High School this year. She is the daughter of Kevin and Lynette Kingsbury of Letcher.