NATHAN, JONATHAN and Aaron Linke are pictured with some of the awards they received at the Western Junior Livestock Show.
A group of Sanborn County 4-H members traveled west to attend the Western Jr. Livestock Show in Rapid City Oct. 7-10 to show livestock and participate in various events.
Results of the livestock show are as follows: Tyler Eddy, Charolais junior bull calf – purple and grand reserve champion; Aaron Linke, angus junior heifer calf – purple (2), Angus junior yearling heifer – blue; Jonathan Linke, angus junior heifer calf – purple; Nathan Linke, angus junior heifer calf – purple (2); Collin Schmiedt, shorthorn plus junior heifer calf – purple, shorthorn plus feeder steer calf – top blue; and Morgan Schmiedt, chi junior heifer calf – top blue.
In the Grass and Range Plant ID Contest, Aaron Linke was the first place senior, followed by Nathan Linke in third place and Jonathan Linke in fourth.
The Livestock Judging Contest included classes of Breeding Cattle, Market Cattle, Breeding Sheep, Market Sheep, Market Goats and Market Swine. Taking first place in senior livestock judging was Jonathan Linke. Also taking first place was the senior team from Sanborn/Jerauld counties: Jonathan, Aaron and Nathan Linke and Talli Heim. Junior level participants in Livestock Judging were Collin Schmiedt and Tyler Eddy.
The Livestock Skillathon tested knowledge in beef and swine in the areas of structure of beef, parts of beef cattle, meat cuts of beef, breeds of swine and how to identify a livestock medicine label. Nathan took second place in the Skillathon, followed by Jonathan in third and Aaron in fourth.
The Cattlemen’s Family Legacy program is a scholarship program designed to pass on a Black Hills Stock Show cattleman’s legacy by donating a heifer to the next generation in the form of a scholarship to a Western Junior Livestock Show exhibitor. This heifer will be raised and shown by the scholarship recipient. The recipient will receive the heifer after the 2016 Black Hills Stock Show and must return to show her at the 2016 Western Junior Livestock Show.
Nathan and Aaron each submitted an essay for the Cattleman’s Family Legacy Contest and were both chosen as one of four finalists to interview. Nathan was chosen as the winner and will receive a heifer in February.