Lucas Eugene Novak, HRMC’s 2016 First Baby of the New Year, sleeps peacefully in the arms of his parents, Jen Gibson and Matt Novak of Woonsocket.
HURON – Lucas Eugene Novak, born at 9:32 p.m., Friday, Jan. 1, at Huron Regional Medical Center, is the hospital’s first baby born in 2016. He weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and is 19 inches long.
His due date was Jan. 22, but he came into the world early as a New Years surprise for parents, Jen Gibson and Matt Novak of Woonsocket. Lucas joins siblings, Matthew, age three, Allyson, age two, Alexander, age one, Katie, age 10, and Aiden, age eight.
In celebration of his birth, Lucas and his parents received a gift bag with a commemorative photo tile, a stuffed teddy bear and a bottle of sparkling cider from the hospital.