Letcher American Legion Auxiliary meets

The Sept. 12 meeting of the Letcher American Legion Auxilliary was called to order by President Sandy Ruml.
Chaplain Pat Nelson gave a prayer.
Roll call was answered by five members: Sandy Ruml, Edith Moe, Amy Howard, Pat Nelson and Kathy Northrup.
Minutes from the May meeting were read and approved, as was the treasurer’s report.
Moe gave a short report on the state convention that was held in June. The new state president is Melonie Martins.
Moe made a motion to pay all obligations. It was seconded by Northrup. The Auxiliary will order 1,100 poppies this year.
Nelson made a motion to donate $100 to the Letcher Summer Rec program; seconded by Howard.
Northrup made a motion to pay $50 each month toward rent of the meeting building to the Legion; seconded by Nelson.
Discussion was held on the Snack Pack program.
The Fall District meeting will be Sept. 30 in DeSmet.
Ruml read a letter from the new District 6 president, Linda Holmes of Mitchell.
Moe made a motion to pay membership dues for any members living in the nursing home; seconded by Nelson.
The membership drive will be Oct. 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This will be the salad luncheon that was postponed in the spring. A silent auction will also be held.
The tentative date of Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. has been set for the Veterans’ Day potluck supper.
Turkey bingo/Santa will be Dec. 10 starting at 6 p.m.
Anyone who would like to receive the Legionette publication, mailed to your home, is $5, or to receive it by e-mail is $2. Please let Kathy Northrup know if you want it.
The next meeting will be Oct. 10.
Chaplain Nelson gave a closing prayer. President Ruml adjourned the meeting at 9:11 p.m.

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