Hope Circle meets

Eight members of Hope Circle of Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Church met on Thursday, Sept. 14, at 5:30 p.m. at Prairie View Healthcare Community. Attending were Ruth Jensen, Vicki Linke, Evelyn Mitzel, Barb Coulthard, Jannet Larson, Vickie Hines, JoAnn Schladweiler and Sue Larson. Jannet Larson was the hostess.
Vicki Linke, chairman, called the meeting to order following the meal.
Ruth Jensen read a portion from the “Gather” magazine for the devotional.
Sue Larson, recorder, read the June minutes and gave the treasurer’s report. JoAnn Schladweiler, W/ELCA treasurer, gave the financial report.
It was moved and approved to donate $200 to Lutheran World Relief to go toward shipping for the many kits and quilts.
Prairie View Healthcare Community generously donated a case of 48 nail clippers to the Mission Action fund for personal care kits.
A used serger machine was purchased for the mission quilting group for serging diapers and baby outfits at a cost of $50. The next quilting session would be Thursday, Sept. 21, at the church basement at 9 a.m.
The Prairie Rivers Conference officer’s Fall Workshop would be held on Saturday, Sept. 23, at Salem Lutheran Church in Parkston.
The annual roast beef supper will be on Sunday, Oct. l, at the Community Center.
Oct. 15, is the “kick-off” date for the Capital Campaign to begin fundraising for a new church building.
On Oct. 18, the Women of Faith will meet at 6:45 p.m. at the church for a quarterly meeting.
Nov. 19 will be Commitment Sunday for projected pledges to raise money for the new church building. There will also be the presentation of the Christmas cantata at the Community Center.
The group decided to continue with the “Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes” in November. The group will be meeting Nov. 9 at PVHC with Barb Coulthard as hostess, and will collect the boxes at that time.
Discussion was held on the success of worship at PVHC by various worship teams. All agreed it was going well.
The October meeting will be Thursday, Oct. 12, with Vickie Hines as hostess, at PVHC.
The Bible study was titled “The Apostle’s Creed: Session One-We Believe in God” from the “Gather” magazine. Residents of PVHC that attended were: Babe Larson, Myrna Hjelm, Ruth Berg, Phyl Manke, Patti Knigge and Alice Baruth.

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