TOWN ‘N Kountry 4-H Blue Group members stand in front of the new flag pole and flag purchased by the club and installed at the meeting.
The Town and Kountry Kids – Blue Group met on May 21 at the 4-H building.
The meeting was called to order by President Brady Larson. Roll call was taken by Michael Hoffman with 30 members answering the question, “What is your favorite sound?” The secretary report was given by Ashlee Hanson and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Noah Wormstadt and accepted on a motion by Bryce Larson, with a second by Dean Hanson. The motion was made by Kara Wormstadt to pay current bills with Teagen Moody seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Committee report was given on the playground project. The club received money from Central Electric to further the project. Members voted on another piece of equipment to be purchased. The fence was discussed with Bechen Fencing. The turtle needs to be installed and pea rock laid. Bill Zoss Trucking donated the hauling of the pea rock. Another grant will be written to seek monies for a bench with a back in the area.
Old business: Raffle Tickets- Noah handed out raffle tickets to each member. The drawing will be held on June 11 at Letcher Fun Days. The money raised will be donated to Team Paisley. Members attending camp were given camp money from the club to assist with their 4-H trip. The club still has some T-shirts left for any members/adults that need them.
New Business: Talks/demonstrations were discussed. A club goal is for more members to do a county talk or demonstration. The county date is July 6.
The club will be providing an auction lunch on June 9. The lunch will be at the Vetter sale, and all families are to provide a pan of bars or cookies. Members are providing breakfast goodies for the RASDAK (Ride Across SD) on June 9. This event starts at 7:30 a.m. At Letcher Fun Days on June 11, the club will be selling burgers at the Bean Bag Tourney. The motion was made by Teagen Moody and seconded by Kenlie Fridley for proceeds from the June 12 Fun Day activities at the Letcher ball park be given to Team Paisley. Motion carried.
Upcoming dates: public presentations, fashion review, and CDM judging.
Demonstrations were given: Bryce Larson – Blender-Grain Muffins, Teagen Moody – Surprise Smoothie, Tori Hoffman – Fruit Smoothie, Payton Uecker – Creating a Fidget Spinner, and Miley Adams – Making a Marshmallow Gun.