Artesian First Lutheran women meet

First Lutheran and area women met at the church starting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, for Bible Study and quilting. Those who attended for all or part of the evening included: Judi Larson, Judy Wormstadt, Joyce Olson, Jess Ludvik, Wanda Effling, Jean Wormstadt, Vickie Scott, Karen Hoffman, Gwen Effling, Terri Moore, Jane Marten, and Jerolyn Dean. 

Judi Larson led the study titled “It’s Too Hard” based on Romans 7:18.  

A short business meeting was held. Pam Moore and Deanna Dean have received more Thrivent Funds and the money is going toward the purchase of a copier, ink and paper, and landscaping rock for the flower beds around the church. The group is grateful for these gals’ efforts to apply for the money.  

Judy Wormstadt and Angie Scott purchased baby items at rummage sales in Sioux Falls. Those items will be used for the Plus One Project and for Lutheran World relief. Baby quilts will also be donated to Plus One in Huron. Plans were made to go to Mitchell on Tuesday, July 10.  At 11 a.m., the gals will have lunch at the “Back 40” and at 1 p.m., tour the Abbott House to learn about the good work they do to help young girls. Please contact Judy if you plan to attend. 

Judy Wormstadt will lead the Wednesday night youth group WWTS again this fall and needs a weekly assistant.  Wanda Effling volunteered to help. 

Following the Lord’s Prayer and singing the table blessing, Karen Hoffman, Judy Wormstadt, and Terri Moore served a delicious lunch.

Gwen Effling encouraged everyone to attend the Quilt Show in Mitchell on June 29-30. Gwen is the President of the Quilters Guild and will have a special presentation.  Sarah Fridley is the featured quilter and many of her creations will be on display.  

The remainder of the evening was spent working on the quilt for the Lutheran Outdoors Quilt Auction, putting together kits for quilts to be sewn, tying quilts and pinning the edges on quilts to be finished.  

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