Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, September 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central conference room with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Schmit, and Spelbring. Others present Superintendent Siemsen; Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen, and Business Manager Bechen. 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to the Board Meeting: Representing the 2019 Senior Class, Cole Moody and Adriana Salas, the students presented their senior privilege rules to the board. The board thanked them for attending and granted the privileges based upon their presented information. No other public input occurred.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the agenda as amended: Add Discussion on gym sound system. 

Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting August 13, 2018, as printed. 

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills. 

General Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $352,292.73. Receipts: taxes $2,666.23, penalties/interest 81.06, interest $76.78, other pupil $163.90, other local income $1.00, state fines $1,924.78, state aid $53,790.00, admission $2,425.00, yearbook $152.00, gross rec – telephone $29,002.04, 2017-18 Title I $7,968.00, revenue inlieu taxes $288.95. Expenditures: $158,754.47. Balance, August 31, 2018: $292,078.00. CorTrust Savings balance, August 1, 2018: $50,207.26. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, August 31, 2018: $50,207.26. 

Capital Outlay Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $958,142.80. Receipts: taxes $951.21, penalties/interest $26.27, interest $240.82.  Expenditures: $54,336.87. Balance, August 31, 2018: $905,024.23.

Special Education Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $100,189.76. Receipts: taxes $156.56, penalties/interest $2.94, interest $24.43, 2017-18 IDEA 611 $12,885.00, 2017-18 IDEA 619 $742.00, manual journal entry $0.42. Expenditures: $21,864.17. Balance, August 31, 2018: $92,136.94.  

Pension Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $419.54. Receipts: taxes $3.00, penalties/interest $0.75. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, August 31, 2018: $423.29.

Food Service Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $1,036.51. Receipts: student meals $8,328.75, adult meals $130.46, ala carte $645.75. Expenditures: $6,792.56. Balance, August 31, 2018: $3,348.91.

Enterprise Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $26,966.61. Receipts: interest $6.98, preschool tuition $4,075.00. Expenditures: $7,734.10. Balance, August 31, 2018: $23,314.49.

Scholarship Fund balance, August 1, 2018: $13,189.33. Receipts: interest $0.94, contributions 0.00. Expenditures: $1,500.00. Balance, August 31, 2018: $11,690.27. Peters Scholarship balance: $11,690.27; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.

Trust and Agency Funds balance, August 1, 2018: $48,183.96. Receipts: $13,690.03. Expenditures: $11,898.08. Balance, August 31, 2018: $49,975.91.

Salaries and benefits for the month of September 2018 were as follows: 

General Fund: $125,188.84; 

Special Education: $16,603.51; 

Food Service: $7,332.72; 

Enterprise: $3,718.04.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A&B Business, colony AED $1,934.00; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $32.30; Abrams Learning Trends, elementary supply $284.90; Arrowwood Resort, superintendent room $203.90; Associated School Boards of South Dakota, joint convention rooms $740.00; Brooks Oil Co., #2 diesel $2,093.63, gas $2,360.00, liquid petroleum $1,692.46; Carquest, bus supply $336.08; CBH Conference, 2018-19 dues $100.00; Clayton’s Repair, bus repairs $196.00; Cortrust, air cards $120.03; Country Pumper, inservice meals $280.00, sports ice $31.45; Dauby’s Sport Center, volleyball supplies $496.00, football field supply $50.71; Dawson Construction, garage service July – September $677.04; DB Electric, disconnect old concession stand $198.50; Department of Revenue, water testing $15.00; First National Insurance, workers compensation audit adjustment $500.00; Corey Flatten, class reimbursement $35.00; Golden West Technologies, reset phone numbers $125.00; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus supply $380.05; Heartland Paper, janitor supply $1,049.39; Hillyard, janitor supply $769.62; Horizon Health Care, three bus driver physicals $627.00; 

[IMPREST: Mary Ackman, office supply $12.72, back to school night supply $3.99; Shawna Baysinger, volleyball tournament line judge $100.00, volleyball line judge $35.00; Daniel Bechen, football chain gang $30.00; Candi Danek, football clock $30.00; Rich Danek, football clock $30.00; Dean Duxbury, volleyball referee $85.00; Ross Effling, football referee $125.00; Corey Flatten, junior high football referee $25.00, volleyball announcer $25.00; Hanson School District, volleyball tournament entry fee $120.00; Jerrell Kelly, football referee $125.00; Jason Kolousek, junior high football referee $25.00; Jay Larson, football referee/mileage $199.34; Armondo Rodriguez, junior high football referee $25.00; Mike Ruth, football referee/mileage $123.64; Hans Sacrison, football referee $125.00; Justin Siemsen, football chain gang $30.00; Travis Van Hofwegen, football referee $125.00; Rod Vermeulen, football chain gang $30.00];

K&D Busing, volleyball busing $309.43; Lakeshore, elementary supply $315.77; Make It Mine Designs, gym floor refinishing $1,577.02; Tim McCain, class reimbursement $35.00; McLeod’s, board supply $45.74; Mid-Dakota Technologies, August tech support $140.00; Miedema Sanitation, one rolloff $381.02; NASCO, elementary supply $92.90; Oliver & Andy’s Book Co., library books $506.75; Popplers, chorus music $117.90; Jessica Ronning, reimburse fingerprint $43.25, reimburse ag lab supply $25.16; Santel Communications, phone $227.23; Kate Schelske, driver license renewal $33.00; Schoolmate, middle school supply $90.00; School Specialty, guidance supply $137.54, middle school supply $231.54, elementary supply $504.62, high school supply $96.12, colony supply $278.80; South Dakota High School Activities Association, membership dues $30.00, subscription/postage $125.00; Shopko, crowsnest stools $79.98; Justin Siemsen, back to school night supply $49.30; Sportboardz, track board update $20.00; Supreme, colony supply $33.62, elementary supply $42.76, middle school supply $28.62, high school supply $28.62; Walmart, business office supply $1.64, crowsnest stools $79.84; Ward’s Natural Science, high school supply $416.72; Western Microscope, clean high school microscopes $565.00; Williams Musical & Office Equipment, instrument repairs $168.00. 

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, colony AED balance $34.00, copier rent $866.41; Cengage Learning, elementary textbooks $7,406.00; Companion Corporation, library book scanner $2,244.00; DB Electric, wire new concession stand $4,189.64, install separate service $2,019.12; Hanson Construction, pressbox material/labor $9,218.23; Innovative Office Solutions, reception chairs $383.36; K-Log, library tables $1,206.67; Lightspeed Technologies, redcat access classroom audio system $1,388.95; Mackin Educational Resources, library books $1,461.67; NCS Pearson, elementary reading kit $503.91; Renaissance Learning, star reading $470.00, accelerated reader subscription $822.00, hosting fee $635.00; Riverside Technologies, three office laptops $2,274.00, 10 high school chromebooks $2,630.00; Seating & Athletic Facility Enterprises, football bleachers $32,230.00.  

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Behavior Care Specialists, August tuition services $4,839.25; August 2018 mileage, $231.00; Paula Sanderson, special education records postage $13.65; School Specialty, special education supply $29.01, speech supply $24.57; Walmart, special education supply $80.91.

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food $57.04; Darrington Water, SS tank $8.00; Dean Foods, milk $226.22; Earthgrains Baking, bread $180.50; 

[IMPREST: Days Inn, training room $360.00]; 

Reinhart Foodservice, food $5,296.45, supply $277.22. 

ENTERPRISE Fund – School Specialty, PS supply $440.93.

Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:

•Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on September 13th. 

•Juniors took the ASVAB test on September 7th. 

•Juniors and seniors will be attending the Career Planning Day in Mitchell on October 2nd.  

•The football field is in good shape. A couple of contests have been held in the new venue. There are a few suggestions to clarify how things will be handled going forward. The Board received an update on the remaining portions of the project, including some potential storage ideas.

•Roxanne Dyk has begun her second year of coaching within the Shared Services Grant. 

•Enrollment as of August 15 – State count is 191 (26 colony students) with 17 early childhood for a total of 208. 

•High School students continue to take advantage of Dual Credit classes. 

•We will be looking to purchase a new deep freezer for the kitchen as the current freezer is no longer working. 

•The final stages of the library project are occurring with the book return/operational desk.     

Mrs. Vermeulen’s report included the following:

•Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for September 13th from 1:00 – 7:00 p.m. 

•No school on September 14th. 

•Enrollment breakdown: PreK-Fifth 102, Sixth-Eighth 35, Nineth-12th 44, Total of 208 – State count 191. 

•Homecoming Parade theme: Battle of the Bands. The Sanborn Central Booster club will be providing lunch for the students on September 21st. Students in the elementary and middle school will participate in the Homecoming Parade. The high school students elected not to participate in building a float. They will not be allowed on any floats in the parade. 

•Great Plains Zoo Mobile visits on September 27th, including four 45-minute programs at Sanborn Central and one program at the colony. This program has been graciously provided to our district free of charge by the Sammons Financial Group. The Zoo is visiting a select number of South Dakota schools who qualify as a Title 1 school-wide program. There will be three or four live animals in attendance. All lessons correlate with the South Dakota Science Standards.

Discussion Items: 

•2018 taxes payable in 2019. General Fund tax levy request Ag = $1.512; OO = $3.383; OTH = $7.001 all per $1,000 of valuation. General Fund Opt Out $600,000; Special Education $300,000; and Capital Outlay $100,000. 

•Gym sound system – looking into upgrading the system. 

Old Business: None.

New Business: Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve closing the pension fund and moving all remaining and future monies to the general fund.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve a manual journal entry to remove indirect billing of workman’s compensation from food service to the general fund in the amount of $2,118.78.

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to deny all bids for propane, gas and diesel fuel for an annual contract. Continue to submit requests for monthly quotes.   

Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the purchase of a new 14-passenger bus for use on routes and activities, contingent upon the highest trade-in value for two busses that the district currently owns. Bids given with no trade in: Harlow $49,520.00 and Forman $49,950.00.

Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 8, 2018, at 7:00 a.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room. 

Motion by Enfield, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

Comments are closed.

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