Town ‘N Kountry Kid Red Crew 4-H Club meets

The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on June 18 at the Community Center in Woonsocket. Prior to the meeting, they enjoyed supper served by the Linke family, Larson family, Hunter family and Jen Sandness.

The meeting was called to order by Megan Linke. The flag pledge was led by London Metzger, and the 4-H pledge was led by Morgan Schmiedt. Roll call was led by Vice President Xavier Baysinger with the topic, “Favorite summer activity” which was answered by 23 members.  

The secretary’s report was read by Spens Schlicht and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Acaiya Schultz. The club received money from setting barrels, and approved paying bills.  

A health/safety report was given by Henry Hunter on how to get your horse into the trailer safely. A report was given by Alex Anderson on the state shoot. Myles Larson and Gavin Scofield told the group about handing out poppies and collecting donations for Veterans.  Isaiah and Elisha Schultz told everyone about the special foods contest. Lane Burkel and Hope Baysinger reported on their presentations at the 4-H/Farmers Union Camp day. Hope talked about the CDM judging/horticulture skillathon. Spens and Acaiya reported on setting barrels, and Henry told the club about the horse show. 

For old business, the club will need to reschedule their trip to visit McCrossan Boys Ranch and Air Madness sometime this fall. Their community service project to take the residents for a walk to and around the lake will be scheduled sometime in July.

For new business, the fashion revue and public speaking contests are coming up on July 16. They have a number of members who plan to participate. A work date needs to be scheduled to put together a new set of 4-H bleachers.

Cloverbud members and some of the 4-H members enjoyed experimenting with washable tattoos, led by Leader Jen Sandness.

Following the meeting, Alex Anderson gave a demonstration on making fun and healthy snacks. Leader Paula Linke led a judging activity where club members learned about beef and sheep parts identification for livestock judging. The meeting ended with some fun relay races.

The next meeting will be scheduled in July.

…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.

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