The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Oct. 14 at the 4-H Building in Forestburg.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Xavier Baysinger. The Flag Pledge was led by Bailey Feistner, and the 4-H Pledge was led by Devyn Brooks.
Election of officers was held with the following results: President – Xavier Baysinger, Vice President – Bailey Feistner, Secretary – Brooklyn Swenson, Treasurer – Evan Ohlrogge, Character Officers – Sutton Senska, Megan Linke and Acaiya Schultz, Health/Safety Officers – Henry Hunter and Hope Baysinger, Recreation Officer – Tati Roberts, and Photographers – Charlie Hunter and Lane Burkel.
Roll call was led by Vice President Bailey with the topic, “Favorite Football team,” which was answered by 25 members.
The secretary’s report was read by Brooklyn and approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was given by Evan and approved.
Tati Roberts and Danielle Brooks reported on 4-H Week activities. Sutton and Shiloh Senska and Corey Roberts told about the 4-H Week letters to the editor that they wrote. Hope Baysinger and Emily Ohlrogge talked about the 4-H thank you’s they wrote and sent. Evan Ohlrogge, Brooklyn Swenson and Kaitlyn Swenson reported on the Shooting Sports awards event.
For old business, the members talked about doing activities at the nursing home, such as bowling, Bingo and rocket launches. Paula will work on a date. The barrel setting schedule for Oct 26-28 was reviewed.
For new business, the club talked about plans for American Education Week which is Nov. 12-16. A committee was appointed to work on plans to celebrate that included Sutton, Devyn, Henry, Lane and Tati.
The recognition event is Saturday, Nov. 10, with a potluck at 6 p.m., followed by awards. Each family needs to bring two dozen cookies for the sponsor thank you plates.
The club reviewed their 2017-18 goals, and set goals for 2018-19 as follows:
1) Complete 4-H Online registration by Oct. 31;
2) Everyone should try a new project area or Youth In Action activity; and
3) Everyone should have their talk or demonstration done by Aug. 31.
Families were reminded to complete 4-H Online registration by Oct. 31.
Paula reviewed the awards that 4-H members could work towards.
The next meeting will be scheduled in November.
Cloverbuds and some other members made a leaf craft project.
Following the meeting, members played a 4-H Jeopardy game, and then wrote notes and letters to their elderly friends.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.