Woonsocket City Council proceedings

September 10, 2018,  Minutes - 7:00 P.M.

The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Richard Reider at 7:00 p.m., Monday, September 10, 2018, with the following members present: Derek Foos, Arin Boschee, Darin Kilcoin, Garret Foos, Joel Rassel and Brandon Goergen.

Several community members were present, along with Sheriff Fridley and Deputy Sheriff Coenen. City Workers, John Ames and Donnie Jemming, were also on hand.

Motion by Goergen, seconded by Kilcoin to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Letters for abandoned cars were sent out, and several community members met with the council in regards to the ordinance. It was decided to form a committee to review the ordinance. Council members Joel Rassel and Darin Kilcoin will be the chairs of the committee along with four members that oppose and four members that are in favor of the ordinance.

Motion by Rassel, seconded by G. Foos, to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Motion by Boschee, seconded by D. Foos, to approve the Financial Report. Motion carried.

Motion by Rassel, seconded by D. Foos, to approve the following bills. Motion carried.

Santel Communications $339.91 Phone/Computer

Woony Foods $13.10 Shop

Waste Management $9,845.71 Garbage

Wise Tire $395.00 Shop

Westendorf Electric $255.00 Lift Station

TC Enterprises $61.22 Lift Station

Sanborn Weekly Journal $58.37 Publishing

Running Supply $42.48 Shop

Northwest Pipe Fitting $1,030.02 Water

Mitchell Plumbing & Heating $84.76 Shop

Larson & Nipe $100.00 Professional

KO Pro Service $203.55 Shop

Hawkins $30.00 Water

HD Supply $260.37 Sewer

Honda of Mitchell $147.34 Parks

Glacial Lakes & Prairies $525.00 Membership

Fastenal Company $16.82 Shop

Brian Feistner $2,210.00 Streets

Express Stop $328.28 Shop

Express 2 $558.59 Shop

Local Lumber & Supply $776.37 Parks

Carquest of Mitchell $110.36 Shop

DB Electric $109.65 Well House

Avera Heart Hospital $559.50 Pool

AmeriPride Service $88.74 Shop

Agtegra Cooperative $385.00 Parks

NorthWestern Energy $3,422.51 Utilities

Department of Revenue $548.39 Water/Sales Tax

First National Bank $4,171.72 Payroll Tax

South Dakota Retirement Plan $1,383.84 Retirement

First National Bank $25.00 Safe Deposit Box

John Ames $281.50 Travel/Sewer Class

Total: $28,368.10 


Council discussed updating the electrical units at the campground. Motion by D. Foos, seconded by Boschee, to include the bathhouse. Motion carried.

The council discussed the bathhouse for campground. Motion by Rassel, seconded by Goergen, to approve the plans as written. 

The council discussed the lift station. Motion by Rassel, seconded by G. Foos, to approve the purchase of safety equipment in the amount of $3256.00. Motion carried.

Motion by G. Foos, seconded by Boschee, to approve the second reading of the 2019 Budget Appropriation. Motion carried.

Weber read an update on the pool submitted by Sarah Jensen. 


Proposals for Propane were opened and Reider read them as followed: Brooks Oil – $1.136, Farmers Alliance – $1.189 and Alpena Coop – $1.25. Motion by Rassel, seconded by G. Foos, to approve to purchase 6000 gallons of Propane from Brooks Oil for $1.136 per gallon. Motion carried.

The council discussed a Grant Policy. Weber will look into wording that needs to be used.

The council discussed the Tax Incentive Repeal plan from Sanborn County. Motion by Boschee, seconded by Kilcoin to write our own resolution if it is not passed by the County at the September 18, 2018, meeting. Rassel abstained. Motion carried.

Mayor Reider updated the council on a meeting he attended in regards to natural gas.

The fire department will flush hydrants on October 2, 2018. A notice will be put in the paper.

With no further business to be discussed, motion by G. Foos, seconded by D. Foos to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.


Richard Reider


Finance Officer, 

Tara Weber

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