Avery Miller confidently takes her horse through the reining pattern at the Fun Horse Show held in Forestburg on Oct. 6.
A 4-H Fun Horse Show was held on Oct. 6 at the 4-H Grounds in Forestburg with nine counties represented. Thirty-seven 4-Hers kicked off National 4-H Week by participating in horse safety training and improving their horsemanship skills in several individual events.
Eric Kobernusz of Mt. Vernon served as the horse safety instructor for the day. He kept the attention of the participants by teaching them basic horse safety skills. Safety is always at the forefront of any project done in 4-H. Other information he taught included:
•How to pick up a horse’s feet
•Safe ground handling
•Checking tack
•Loping each direction in the correct lead
•Turning a horse on its forehand and hind quarter
•Backing the horse on the ground
Jennifer Martinez of Ethan was given the task of judging the many events of the Fun Horse Show. Ribbons were awarded in each event to the top six finishers in each class of beginner, junior and senior participants. Points were totaled and Grand Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons and prizes were awarded to overall beginner, junior and senior participants. This event is sponsored by Sanborn and Jerauld/Buffalo Counties.
…Read the results and see an additional photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!