Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Hoffman, Larson, and Meier in attendance.
A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve December 3rd, 2018, minutes as read.
A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the financials as presented.
Old Business: Discussion was held on the water sample report.
Ardis Nelson was in contact with the board wanting to know if the community center would want a piano.
The board wanted Meier to call the legion to see what they wanted to do.
Discussion was held on ideas on updates needed to do for the town in 2019.
New Business: Discussion was held on past due accounts.
The Board went over dates for meetings for 2019: January 3rd and 22nd, February 5th and 19th, March 5th and 19th, April 2nd and 16th, May 7th and 21st, June 4th and 18th, July 2nd and 15th, August 6th and 20th, September 3rd and 17th, October 8th and 22nd, November 5th and 19th, and December 3rd and 23rd.
A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:
GENERAL AND WATER/SEWER: Department of Health – $15.00 – Water Samples, Hoffman Digging & Well Repair – $500.00 – Snow Removal, Davison Rural Water – $1,978.45 – Water Used, District III Planning & Development – $400.00 – Membership Dues 2019, Mark Chada – $387.87 – Mayor Wages/Meetings, Angela Larson – $335.17 – Trustee Wages/Meetings, Ed Hoffman – $335.16 – Trustee Wages/Meetings, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield – $2,242.25 – Health Insurance, Sanborn Weekly Journal – $52.63 – Minutes Published.
The next board meeting will be held on January 3rd, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.
Angie Meier
Finance Officer