Noah Dickson goes up for a layup in the game against Miller in Huron on Jan. 3. The layup scored Dickson’s 1,000th point in his basketball career.
The SCW boys hosted the Mt. Vernon/Plankinton (MVP) boys in a double header played on Thursday, Jan. 2, in Woonsocket.
The JV teams played first, with the boys’ JV losing a close one to the end by one point and a final score of 30-31. Stats leaders for the SCW boys’ JV were Brady Larson with nine points, seven rebounds and five steals. Tryce Slykhuis also contributed nine points, and Andrew Lindgren helped out with four points and six rebounds.
The varsity boys played the final game of the night and worked hard for a strong victory over the MVP Titans with a final score of 69-43.
…Read on and see additional photos in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!