On Saturday, Dec. 19, members of the Town ‘N Country 4-H Blue Group held a Christmas event at Letcher Community Center. A senior 4-H member from Miner County, Kayla Kommes, brought over her team of horses and wagon to provide rides to anyone interested, and they rode all over Letcher for over two hours.
The 4-H club also provided hot cocoa, cider and candy canes at the Community Center, and Santa rode in the wagon to the Community Center at around 4:45 p.m. to visit with all the kids and to collect the letters that kids had left to be delivered to him.
In addition, the club collected donations for the Sanborn County Food Pantry, which were delivered on Monday to the courthouse.
Social distancing was observed, and everyone wore masks during the event. The club reported that they had a great turnout, and everyone who attended had a good time. The weather really cooperated to make for a fun afternoon and evening for everyone.
…See an additional photo in the Dec. 24 issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!