The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Nov. 12 at the Woonsocket Community Center.
Prior to the meeting, club members participated in a number of activities. American Education Week gifts and cards for the teachers and staff were prepared. Sponsor thank you’s were signed, and Thanksgiving cards with greetings to our elderly friends were written. A kitchen appliance identification activity was completed. Recreation Officer Trevor led a game of “Stand Up/Sit Down.” Snacks were served by the Hansen family and Leader Paula Linke.
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Dilyn Brooks. The Flag Pledge was led by Ty Burkel, and the 4-H Pledge was led by Danielle Brooks.
Roll call was led by Avery Miller with the topic, “My Favorite Food for Thanksgiving” which was answered by 25 members. The club welcomed new 4-H members from the Hansen family: Mary Catherine, Samuel, Paul and Cecilia.
A health and safety report was given by George on the importance of drinking water and by Ty on how to wash your hands well.
The secretary’s report was read by Co-Secretary Emily Ohlrogge and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Co-Treasurer Bailey Feistner and approved as read.
A report on the Recognition Event was given by Lane Burkel and Gavin Scofield.
A public presentation drawing was held to award two $25 cash prizes to members who got their talk or demonstration done early. Any 4-H member who completed a talk or demonstration at a club meeting by the end of March, or did a county level public presentation, was entered in the drawing to win one of two $25 cash prizes. The winners were Alex Anderson and Avery Miller.
2020-2021 Club Officers were selected as follows: Co-President – Xavier Baysinger and Megan Linke, Co-Vice President – Emily Ohlrogge and Dilyn Brooks, Co-Secretary – Bailey Feistner and Acaiya Schultz, Co-Treasurer – Lane Burkel and Mary Catherine Hansen, Co-Recreation – Avery Miller and Trevor Johnson, Co-Character – Hope Baysinger and Isaiah Schultz, and Co-Health/Safety – Ty Burkel and George Broer.
Members talked about setting individual goals and working on awards. They are planning a project day and a fun day.
The club discussed working with and promoting a winter coat collection drive with the SCW FFA Chapter. There are collection boxes at the Courthouse and at Woony Foods, as well as at the schools. The club is asking for donations of new or gently used coats that will be given to kids in need at the school.
For the Christmas Caring project, club members want to do something for the nursing home residents, and discussed various options including suggestions of a three wishes project, giving socks, and doing a live or recorded Zoom call with the residents. A committee was appointed to decide on a project and organize a plan. Committee members are Emily, Dilyn, Trevor, Mary Catherine, Samuel, Lane and Kolby Lindsey.
The next 4-H meeting will be scheduled in December.
…See photos in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!