Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, October 10, 2022, at 7:05 p.m. in the Sanborn Central library with the following present: Curtis Adams, Clayton Dean, Emma Klaas, and Gary Spelbring Jr. Others present were Superintendent Justin Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Connie Vermeulen and Business Manager Gayle Bechen. Absent was Mark Goral.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Visitors to Board Meeting: Rachael Foster and Paula Sanderson representing the SCEA. 

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on September 12, 2022, as printed.

Motion by Spelbring, seconded by Klaas, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills:

General Fund balance, September 1, 2022: $971,729.41. Receipts: taxes $5,216.37, penalties/interest $116.98, interest $144.00, admission $3,026.00, other $458.20, state fines $2,441.19, state aid September $81,569.00, McKillop memorial reading enhancement $2,291.00, Medicaid admission payment $1,121.51, Title I $12,269.00, Rural Education Achievement Program $8,101.00, ESSER III general $11,617.00. Expenditures: $229,581.71, manual journal entry $1,174.22. Balance, September 30, 2022: $868,944.73. CorTrust Savings balance, September 1, 2022: $50,522.00. Receipts: interest $17.58. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, September 30, 2022: $50,539.58. 

Capital Outlay Fund balance, September 1, 2022: $647,514.48. Receipts: taxes $367.71, penalties/interest $3.27, interest $113.14, McKillop memorial  library books $2,329.16, sale of surplus property suburban $2,295.00, ESSER III general $37,600.00, manual journal entry $1,149.00.  Expenditures: $8,863.02. Balance, September 30, 2022: $682,508.74. CD $50,000.00.

Special Education Fund balance, September 1, 2022: $493,829.67. Receipts: taxes $638.21, penalties/interest $7.96, interest $82.29, Medicaid admission payment $94.00, IDEA 611 $12,382.00, IDEA 619 $52.00. Expenditures: $21,127.13, manual journal entry $267.56. Balance, September 30, 2022: $485,691.44. 

Food Service Fund balance, September 1, 2022: $46,127.97. Receipts: interest $3.43, student meals $3,914.49, adult meals $144.75, ala carte $1,393.01. Expenditures: $24,659.02. Balance, September 30, 2022: $26,924.63.

Enterprise Fund balance, September 1, 2022: $1,989.19. Receipts: $1,575.00. Expenditures: $4,424.04. Balance, September 30, 2022: ($859.85).

Custodial Funds balance, September 1, 2022: $71,282.92. Receipts: $3,081.23. Expenditures: $7,972.35. Balance, September 30, 2022: $66,391.80.

Scholarship Fund balance, September 1, 2022: $8,725.92. Receipts: interest $0.72. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, September 30, 2022: $8,726.64. Peters Scholarship balance: $8,726.64; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.

Salaries and benefits for the month of October 2022 were as follows:

General Fund: $159,377.00; 

Special Education: $20,134.24; 

Food Service: $10,075.11; 

Enterprise Fund: $4,523.42.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A&B Business, August copies $340.83, September copies $299.84; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $37.26; Barnes & Noble Inc., middle school novel $15.19, counselor books $63.88; Brightarrow Technologies, digital voice dialer $300.00; Brooks Oil Co., lead free gas $2,437.40, #2 diesel $2,900.80, oil drum $423.80; Capital One, middle school supply $6.53; Carquest, bus supply $426.71; Central Electric, September electricity $1,246.82; Chesterman, pop  $167.85; Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns LLP, national law conference $150.00; Clayton’s Repair, bus repair $142.50, labor $218.00; Cole Paper Inc., janitor supply $266.40; CorTrust, air cards $90.00, high school supply $50.77, middle school supply $101.78, elementary technology supply $44.98; Dial Corporation, 2022-23 membership $100.00; Susan Farrell-Poncelet, reimburse oral interp supply $41.80; Generation Genius, second grade educational software $125.00; Harlow’s Bus Sales, bus supply $108.42; Hoffman Digging & Well Repair, pump septic tank $700.00;

[IMPREST FUND: Kevin Ball, football referee/mileage $146.00; Dane Bloch, football referee $125.00; Lawron Bohr, football referee $125.00; Char Carda, volleyball referee/mileage $118.05; Cortrust, Amazon elementary supply $27.74, middle school supply $27.75, high school supply $27.74, business office supply $81.03; Tyler Currey, football referee/mileage $167.00; Candi Danek, football clock (2) $60.00; Rich Danek, football clock (2) $60.00; Dean Duxbury, volleyball referee $90.00; Carrie Howard, volleyball clock (3) $135.00; Kenny Huether, football junior varsity referee $40.00; Sarah Jensen, volleyball official book (2) $60.00; Charley Larson, football junior varsity referee $40.00; Joey Mitchell, football referee $125.00; Perry Moody, football chain $30.00; Teri Morgan, translator $50.00; Tim Nihart, volleyball referee/mileage $113.52; Nathan Ochsner, football referee $125.00; Scott Ochsner, football referee/mileage $177.50; Bill Schiefen, football referee $125.00; Andrew Sweeter, football referee $125.00; Jeremy Uecker, football chain (2) $60.00; Marcy VanZee, volleyball referee/mileage $115.50; Rod Vermeulen, football chain $30.00; Tony Waterman, football referee $125.00; Kristen Williams, volleyball referee (2) $180.00; Josh Wilson, football chain (2) $60.00; Wolsey-Wessington High School, Warbird volleyball tournament fee $75.00];

J.W. Pepper & Sons, vocal contest music $101.69; Josten’s, 2021-22 yearbook payment $1,375.81; K&D Busing, volleyball/football shared buses $2,034.87; Local Lumber & Supply, shop project supply $214.41; Lodge at Deadwood, ad conference room $168.00; Tim McCain, first aid class $35.00; Menards, janitor supply $206.82; Mid-Dakota Technologies, September tech support $170.00; North Central Seed Company, football field grass/fertilizer $1,277.50; Performance Foodservice, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program $1,417.17; Pomps Tire Service, two bus tires $772.78; Popplers, vocal contest music $99.90; Premier Equipment, bus service $272.00; Public Health Laboratory, water test $15.00; Riddell, football helmets/shoulder pads/weight girdle/knee pads $1,624.60; Santel Communications, September phone/fax $223.93; Savvas Learning Company, elementary workbooks $66.72, middle school software $27.79; School Specialty, elementary supply $1,219.06, high school supply $159.03, counselor supply $82.57, library supply $19.38; SFM, additional workers compensation $1,227.00; David Steele, reimburse fingerprints $43.25; Wards Natural Science, high school science supply $72.27; Williams Musical & Office Equipment, trumpet repair $24.80. 

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $1,011.83; Apptegy, Inc., adm software $3,490.00; Hauff Mid-America Sports, volleyball shorts $1,286.75; Mackin Educational Resources, library books $2,329.16; Starfall, membership $355.00. 

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Children’s Home Society, August tuition $2,320.02; Parent ESY mileage $42.00; Parent ESY mileage $58.80; Parent ESY mileage $33.60; Parent ESY mileage $42.00; School Specialty, Special Education supply $287.00. 

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Bimbo Bakeries, bread $63.21; Cole Paper, supply $417.10; Darrington Water Conditioning, September SS tank $28.00; Eastside Jersey Dairy, milk $634.94;

[IMPREST FUND: Capital One, food $95.26, supply $16.57];

Performance Foods, supply $52.82, food $6,206.11, ala carte $652.37; SNA, membership $48.50; Woony Foods, food $4.45.

ENTERPRISE Fund – School Specialty, preschool supply $491.66.

Mr. Siemsen reported on the following: 

• Annual District audit is tentatively scheduled for the week of November 14th. 

• Extra Help Day was held on October 7th. End of the first quarter of the school year is October 14th. 

• Staff members are setting up their coaching sessions with Better Lesson for the year. The school is locked in for eight sessions this year as opposed to unlimited as it was last year. They will be having the staff development on two of the Extra Help Days as opposed to the four the school had last year. 

• Plans for the roof fixes are on schedule. Siemsen talked with Dalsin – they are fabricating the tin and should be able to install this week (October 10th). They are confident that these fixes will eliminate the leaking issues that the school has experienced. The cause of the leaks is attributed to the way the additions were not tied to the original building properly.

• The Board will discuss with the community group regarding the football field, where they are at and where they plan/would like to go moving forward. 

• The proposed social studies standards are a hot-button issue currently. Siemsen will provide some context on them, and the board will discuss them through a couple examples.

Mrs. Vermeulen reported: 

• Homecoming was a success!  Many students and staff participated by dressing up each day at school. A pep rally, parade and football victory were the culminating events. 

• Basketball practice has started for fifth and sixth grade. Their first game is scheduled for October 11th.

• Extra Help Day was October 7th. The Title III representative met with some of the teachers to discuss ELL strategies to incorporate into their classrooms to assist students.  Teachers from grades three through six met with a representative from Call to Freedom. The representative provided information regarding the upcoming assembly for their students.  The assembly will educate students about online safety, bullying, and cyberbullying. 

• End of the first quarter is October 14th.  

• No school on October 17th. 

• Sheriff Fridley will be informing the middle level students of the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The assembly is being held in conjunction with Red Ribbon Week. The assembly was organized by Ms. Amundson. 

• Ms. Amundson also hosted a FASFA night on October 3rd for all Sanborn Central and Woonsocket juniors and seniors along with their parents. 

• Halloween is on a Monday this year. The Kindergarten through fifth grade teachers have chosen to host classroom Halloween parties on the Friday prior. Preschool will have theirs on Monday, October 31st, due to the fact that not all preschool students attend school on Friday.

Discussion Items: 

• The Board and those in attendance discussed the football field and the continued efforts to bring it back to a more suitable and playable state. Along with short term items, like over seeding and winter fertilizing, more discussion was had on how to further expand potentially in the future. As they progress, the Board would like to have a community group be a part of the planning process, which will help provide direction and ideas for expansion.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the use of signing bonuses in the recruitment and hiring of teachers for the 2022/2023 and beyond when deemed necessary. Signing bonuses of $1,000.00 were given to Bryce Petersen, David Steele, Ashly Uecker and Hannah Ziebarth for the 2022/2023 school year.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to approve paying Laura Conrad for data entry into the new school meal program software at a rate of $25.00 per hour.

The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Library.  

Motion by Klaas, seconded by Spelbring, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Clayton Dean

Board Chair

Published once on October 20, 2022, at the total approximate cost of $123.75 and may be viewed free of charge at


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