On Saturday, Oct. 8, 27 volunteers from the Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Church in Woonsocket traveled to Sioux Falls to participate and aid Pastor Chris Matson and her crew in the monthly worship service of Church on the Street held in Heritage Park. Approximately half of Spirit of Faith’s volunteers in attendance were youth. The Spirit of Faith group led by Pastor John Anderson participated in the service and brought donated items such as purses, undergarments, personal hygiene items, clothes, toys, snacks and baked goods for dessert with the meal.
Church on the Street worship services include the familiar aspects of singing, confession, children’s message, sermon and communion. Pastor Anderson helped serve communion and spoke the words of institution and led the Lord’s Prayer as part of the liturgy. The Spirit of Faith group brought, provided and served 200 large hot dogs, chips, fruit, water and dessert. Pastor Anderson explained that, “For many, this might be the only meal they ate that day.”
…Read on and see an additional picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!