4-Hers show excitement for Achievement Days

With over 500 static exhibits entered for this year’s Sanborn County Achievement Days, it is safe to say that the county’s 4-H youth were ready for this year’s event. Results of how everyone did on their static exhibits and their animal entries will be in next week’s issue, but one exhibit from the weekend really stood out and earned Best of Show in the Miscellaneous category, and therefore, was chosen to be featured this week.

With the new addition to the 4-H building, Alex Anderson was able to do something a little different with his static exhibit in the Hobbies and Collections category. He has been fascinated with antique machinery at his great-grandpa’s farm for years, and this year he documented the work he did on one of his great-grandpa’s tractors for an exhibit. In order to display the work he did for the project, he, with help from family members, hauled his great-grandpa’s 1952 Super H McCormick Farmall to Forestburg, and with the extra space available from the new addition, Anderson drove the tractor right into the building to be put on display. 

Anderson said that there were just basic maintenance things that needed to be changed or fixed to get the tractor going. He said the most difficult part was getting the tractor to run on its own and not have to be pulled to start it. He got that accomplished and could take it to Forestburg without concerns about how he was going to put it on display. When asked about what he liked most about doing a project like this, Anderson commented, “What I like most is being able to learn about something you have interest in from other people, and it was easy to do. The parts are still being manufactured, so they weren’t difficult to get either.”

This project wasn’t the only one Anderson submitted, but it was by far the most unique.  He continued by saying, “One great thing about 4-H is that it is a great place to work on things you love and be able to be recognized for the work you’ve done.”

In next week’s issue, keep an eye out for results of all the exhibits entered at the Sanborn County Achievement Days and their judging results. 

…See a picture of Anderson and the tractor in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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