Class of 2024’s best and brightest honored

The Class of 2024’s best and brightest students were recognized recently at the 34th Annual Academic Excellence Recognition luncheon, and among them was Rain Swenson of Woonsocket High School.

Governor Kristi Noem’s office, Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden and the Associated School Boards of South Dakota (ASBSD) honored students who were identified as the top one percent of their senior class, from the state’s Public, Private and Tribal/BIE schools on Monday, April 29.

Students designated as their high school’s honoree(s) received a certificate, signed by the Governor, a commemorative South Dakota pin and the opportunity to meet and have their photo taken with Lieutenant Governor Rhoden.

“What a privilege it is for me to be here,” Lieutenant Governor Rhoden told the seniors. “I want to congratulate each and every one of you.”

“It’s clear your futures are very bright and preparing for your future is our priority.”

ASBSD President Louann Krogman shared the students “epitomize the value of hard work that is ingrained in South Dakotans” which deserved the recognition they were receiving.

“Students, today we celebrate your well-earned accomplishments,” Krogman said. “You have worked so hard to reach the academic heights you have and we’re thrilled to be able to recognize your achievement.”

An achievement ASBSD Executive Director Dr. Douglas R. Wermedal urged students and their supporters to celebrate.

“Please, don’t miss celebrating what you’ve accomplished,” Dr. Wermedal told those in attendance. “Make sure you recognize and celebrate your academic excellence and the families who supported you.

The event was sponsored by Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the South Dakota Board of Regents, South Dakota Education Association, School Administrators of South Dakota and A&B Business Products. Musical entertainment was provided by Dr. Randall Royer.

…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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