Forestburg History on display Saturday at Melon Fest

By Becky Brakke

Inside a large tent, tables held interesting historical and fun memorabilia.

Included in the memorabilia was a personal collection of over 100 “Forestburg” labeled business promotional giveaway items. A detailed plat of a Forestburg cemetery was of particular interest to many.  The Ruskin Park roadside sign, big band posters, pictures and copies of newspaper memorial editions of the Park brought back many memories of good times at the Park.  Forestburg School items included a 1924 orange sweater, a 1953 athletic jacket and a 1927 felt pillow, all in mint condition.

Examining Forestburg school annuals and school newspapers (including 1919 -1920 editions), it was learned that the Buccaneers were once called Pirates.

LaMoine Torgerson supplied the tent, and Mike and Joe Tlustos supplied their trailer for even more displays.

What was a special delight were the many conversations the historical items generated with the guests who visited the tent. Plans are already being discussed regarding future events.                                                   

For more information about the efforts to preserve Forestburg area history, contact Curt Talley at 605-999-3989.

…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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