Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

AUGUST 20, 2024

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, August 20, at 8:57 a.m. with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the minutes from the August 6 meeting, as presented. Motion carried.  Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.


No public was in attendance for comment.


Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

Town, Townships and Schools, Monthly Remittance $49,777.53

First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,653.52

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $43.50

Agtegra Cooperative, Supplies $44,741.27

Amazon, Supplies $67.46

Armscor Cartridge Inc., Ammunition $590.00

Brian Baldwin, EMT Courses August $150.00

Beadle County Auditor, Victims Advocate $2,000.00

Commercial Asphalt, Travel $797,867.70

Connecting Point, Yearly Support 2024-2025 $12,655.00

Conrad Repairs LLC, Flush Valve $172.35

Dawson Construction Inc., Garbage $269.40

Express 2, Fuel $92.46

Federal Licensing Inc., Services $135.00

First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $747.95

Grow Mark Inc., Supplies $955.30

Lewis Family Drug LLC, Medical-Jonathan Knox $55.64

NorthWestern Energy, Utilities $1,557.68

Office Peeps, Supplies $81.93

Redwood Toxicology Lab., Blood Test $524.23

Sign Solutions USA, Supplies $1,570.13

Waste Management, Utilities $271.30

Woony Foods, Supplies $20.97


Stacy Mendenhall and Sheri Kogel, Highway Department, met with the board. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer to approve the five-year plan as presented. Motion carried. Roads and painting of roads were discussed. County gravel crushing will start soon.  


Hearing no objections, the final reading will be held on September 10, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. 


Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to enter executive session at 9:58 a.m., for legal counsel advice. Ebersdorfer declared end of executive session at 10:05 a.m.


Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to accept the quote from Soil Solutions Tile & Excavation for $14,000, for the repair of a ditch in 107-61-20. Motion carried. Other quotes received were from Excavating Experts for $52,900 and MidWest Concrete & Excavating for $20,000.


A bill was presented to the board from TT Electric, who was a subcontractor for Summit Contracting for the 4-H building project. Dusty Kusser with Summit Contracting, Scott Senska, Audrey Kneen, and Paula Linke, 4-H building committee members, were present to discuss the presented bill that Summit Contracting is requesting the county to pay. Discussion took place. It is the belief that Summit Contracting should be responsible for the electrical bill from TT Electric, as TT Electric was required to do additional work due to building errors on Summit Contracting’s behalf. 


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve Resolution #2024-26 for Temporary Malt and Liquor License Fees. Motion carried. 

WHEREAS, Pursuant to South Dakota Law, the County of Sanborn, S.D., shall by resolution establish rules for regulating and restricting the issuance of special licenses for temporary malt beverage and temporary liquor licenses.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioning Board of Sanborn County as follows:

1. Temporary malt beverage licenses for civic, charitable, educational, fraternal or veterans organizations may be issued to said group at a cost of $25 per day.  Temporary liquor licenses are not to be issued to such groups;

2. Temporary malt beverages licenses may be issued to any licensee holding a malt beverage or on-sale alcoholic beverage license in the county or an organized municipality located within Sanborn County at the cost of $50 per day, plus $100 for publication, and;

3. Temporary liquor licenses may be issued to any license holding a malt beverage or on-sale alcoholic beverage license in the county or an organized municipality within Sanborn County at a cost of $150 per day plus $100 for publication, and;

4. Each above-described license shall not exceed three consecutive days in length, and;

5. That the license must comply with all applicable state laws concerning the consumption of alcoholic beverages as set forth in SDCL 35-4.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the applicant already holds an on-sale alcoholic beverage or a malt beverage license or if the license is to be used in a publicly owned facility, it is not necessary to have a hearing on the temporary application.  The number of temporary licenses that may be issued to any licensee or organization in any calendar year is 10. Any application for the temporary transfer of license will have to be acknowledged by the Board of Commissioners at their next scheduled meeting.

Votes cast of the Sanborn County Commissioners: AYE 5, NAY 0.

Passed and enacted this 20th day of August 2024.

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer,

Chairman of Sanborn 

County Commissioners


/s/ Kami Moody, 



Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to cancel the September 3rd meeting, due to conflicting schedules and have the next regularly scheduled meeting on September 10th and to cancel the September 17th meeting, due to the South Dakota Association of County Commissioners and South Dakota Association of County Officials Convention. Motion carried. September 10th will be the only planned meeting for September. 

Motion by Peterson, seconded by S. Larson, to sign the engagement letter for Legislative Audit for the 2022-2023 audit. Motion carried. 

Auditor Moody shared with the board that her daughter, Jeslynn Moody, received the SDACO scholarship for 2024. This is a scholarship available to second year and beyond, college or tech, children or grandchildren of elected county officials. 

There being no further business before the board, motion by Peterson, seconded by S. Larson, to adjourn the meeting at 11:46 a.m. Motion carried. 

The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.                                                                                                                                          

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County

Published once on August 29, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $74.75 and may be viewed free of charge at

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