According to Sanborn County Sheriff Tom Fridley, the sheriff’s office received a call on Wednesday, March 17, from a landowner in the area about items missing from his property. After an investigation with the members of the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Department and the South Dakota Highway Patrol working together to determine the best way to apprehend the suspects, the following people were arrested and/or charged with the following crimes:
• Kasey Peterson, 24, of Huron, was arrested and charged with grand theft, trespassing and driving with a suspended license;
• Garrett Schnabel, 27, of Huron, was arrested and charged with grand theft and trespassing;
• Blake Dorris, 25, of Huron, was arrested and charged with grand theft, trespassing, possession of a controlled substance and a felon in possession of a firearm;
• Lexi Knight, 23, of Woonsocket, was charged with misprision of a felony and trespassing. According to an article in the Washington Post, “The federal definition of misprision requires that, ‘(1) the principal committed and completed the felony alleged; (2) the defendant had knowledge of the fact; (3) the defendant failed to notify the authorities; and (4) the defendant took affirmative steps to conceal the crime of the principal.’”
All suspects that were arrested have been released on bond. Additional charges are pending.