With the week of Oct. 3-9 being designated as National Fire Prevention Week, some of the local firefighters visited the schools in the county to talk about fire prevention and safety. As a staff member at Woonsocket School and a member of the Town and Country Fire District, Mr. Jason Bruce visited with the kids in Woonsocket about fire prevention and safety. Ryan Bechen, Brad Zobel and Calvin Moore, members of the Artesian Fire Department, spoke to the students at Sanborn Central. All firefighters wore their gear that they wear to a fire in order for kids to see that there is nothing to be afraid of if they have to be saved by a firefighter in full gear. They discussed sounds that may be heard, such as smoke detectors, that help signify there is danger, and they explained what kids need to do to get to safety if they hear that sound or smell smoke.
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!