Every year, the Horizon Healthcare organization gives the option to their employees to keep a portion of their paycheck to be set aside to donate to a cause of their choice. For 2021, the employees from the Woonsocket Healthcare Center who chose to participate were Dawn Rassel and Bobbi White, and together, they decided to donate their saved funds to the child safety and education program for children and adults that the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Department is developing for Sanborn County.
According to a letter sent to local businesses earlier this year, and as reported in an earlier issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal, the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office has seen dangerous influences entering the homes of the county through the Internet, such as the threat of sex trafficking, sexting and vaping. Also, concerns have become prominent in all Sanborn County communities about the threats of fraud that senior citizens have been dealing with. Due to these threats to the safety of the Sanborn County citizens, the sheriff’s office has been asking for help with funding for the materials needed for their safety and preventive education program.
If you or anyone you know would like to donate to such an important cause, please contact the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office at 796-4511 for information on the different ways a donation can be made.
…See a picture in the Jan. 27 issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.