Kempfs medal in National Senior Games

Lloyd and Audrey Kempf of Woonsocket competed at the National Senior Games in Pittsburgh, Pa. These games draw over 10,000 athletes, ages 50 to 100 plus years, for 20 different sporting events.

In the track and field events, Audrey earned a silver medal in the hammer throw and a seventh-place ribbon in the discus. Lloyd came away with a gold medal in the pole vault, a fifth-place ribbon in the 50-meter dash and a seventh-place ribbon in discus.

In the three-on-three basketball three-day tournament, Lloyd played with a team called the Larks. They won three games and lost three games but ended up with a Bronze medal. The Larks started the games with four members, but one of the members sustained an injury, so on the last day, they had to play with only the three remaining teammates without substitutes. In their final game, they lost to the eventual champion of the tournament. They played them well, making the opponents work hard to get the win. Even though the Larks lost, they felt good about their final game.

Lloyd and Audrey stated that it was a bit of a struggle getting around Pittsburgh with their events located in three different locations and managing the airline connections on their cell phones. Despite that, they were glad to have attended the national games.

…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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