Approximately 20 kids signed up for the summer reading program at the Woonsocket School and Community Library. The theme for this year’s program was Adventure Begins at Your Library. Different age groups had to read a certain number of pages by July 25 in order to qualify for the end-of-the-summer party, which was held on Monday, July 29. The goals were 250 pages for three-year-olds to preschoolers, 400 pages for kindergartners to second graders, 500 pages for third through sixth graders and 700 pages for any high schoolers. Twelve kids met their goal and got to enjoy the party held at the library last week. Those who attended the party were treated with a free lunch and several outdoor games. They also got to pick up their prizes earned for reaching their reading goals.
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!