Hanson skunks SCW girls

Sanborn Central/Woonsocket fell to the Hanson Beavers in three sets Tuesday in Alexandria.
Set scores for this first game of the season were 25-17, 25-15, 25-12.
The Lady Hawks were led by Rachel Selland with six kills and Myah Selland with four kills and four blocks. Savannah Swenson added six assists and five digs.
Hanson was led by Sydney Dodd, who had seven kills and six digs. Kynedi Cheeseman added five kills, six digs and seven aces, Emily Brown had 10 assists and Leah Marsh had 11 digs.
Hanson also won the JV game, 2-0.
Sanborn Central/Woonsocket will next travel to Ethan Thursday.

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